No, I have no idea why my kids are all into Rock and Roll, Rap and Electronic music now. Damn kids these days.
My heart was about to burst with pride when my kids asked to add Meshuggah to their playlist.
Well my 3 year old always asks for Kraftwerk and my 5 year old likes the pumpkins (not my first choice billys voice sounds like a mentally handicapped kitten being drowned in engine oil).
I could put on an Aerosmith record before I knew how to leave and my Disney VHS tapes in the VCR, of course then my older cousin brought over her Master of Puppets album and I fell in love with thrash. As she still likes to remind me, “I turned you into a metal head before you were out of diapers”. I still love the classics too BTW.
I love how, almost without exception, every parent of a single-digit-age kid’s so proud that their offspring enjoys the same music that they do. Things (generally) change DRASTICALLY shortly after they reach that second digit.
You are correct.
Mine are barely in the double digits but they still retain some of their old taste.
However, I am not so sure I should be proud that my 11 and 13 year old’s first choice, when they ride shotgun, is Eminem.
Just tell them that Eminem is more popular with old white people because his melanin levels are less threatening to their old people sensibilities
If your kids aren’t shouting “Oi, oi, oi, oi” to AC/DC’s TNT, are you even a real father?
Yes, Raffi made some fuckin bangers. Have you heard bananaphone?
it’s so sad the way that the phone rang and rang and rang and rang and rang and rang and rang and no one answered.
Kids in college, but Bananaphone still gets referenced semi-regularly in my household.
Honorable mention to Baby Beluga and Joshua Giraffe as well.
Raffi helped make this during COVID:
When my niece was born, she fell asleep to Slayer in the car. Now she’s 6 and know the Goreillaz catalogue better than I do, competes in Highland dancing, and is learning drums and violin.
My little daughter got her own baby music, but she enjoys listening to the Temptations, Apollo Brown or Gojira with me. She knows Daddy doesn’t play her shit.
This raises kids with cool music tastes. My 14yo might be a bigger fan of 2000s indie rock than I am, and I was, y’know, both a fan of and the target demographic of that music when it was being made.
Do people actually play kids music to kids? I thought that stuff was exclusively used for background noise in YouTube kids Elsa impregnation videos.
My 7 year old was in a car pool to go to an after school activity. Each girl got to pick a song and apparently all but once picked a kids song. My daughter asked if they could play Green Day.
One of my aunts played Christian kids music until my cousins were like 16 and everyone was expected to sing along
Somehow, that’s actually much better. It looped back around from silly to amazing
I played Casper babypants for my kid when she was young. He was the singer of the presidents of the United States of America and it’s honestly just pusa music but a little more kiddie like. Absolute bangers plus my kid live pusa now.
Free Couch is a legit banger imo
I successfully used the Barenaked Ladies Snacktime! album to move one of my friend’s kids from kids music to folk rock to hard rock. She now occasionally drags me to big concerts and we got tattoos (not matching) at the same time for her very first tattoo. I’m her favorite uncle, even though she has two that are actually related and pretty good guys.
Sunrise, sunset.
Can confirm about the Caspar Babypants bangers, and would also like to add Secret Agent 23 Skidoo for totally amazing kidhop, his daughter even raps with him.
Yes. I’d rather my kids sing the abc’s rather than about bitches or their pussy and ass crack. Very little ‘adult’ music doesn’t have seriously adult overtones. Maybe 80’s rock with coke and pedophilia. Nah
Very little
I think that depends quite a bit on what you listen to.
Give me some 80 rock bands that don’t talk about doing drugs or teenagers.
My six year old niece on her first day of school after riding with my wife all afternoon the previous day.
My neck, my back
Lick my pu…The teacher:
My kids are well aware that the Wu is not to be fucked with.
But as ODB said, “Wu-Tang is for the children”
When my son was three, in the back seat of the used squad car I was driving at the time, Beastie Boys would come on: “LOUDER, DADDY!”
My daughter loves rage against the machine and jazz24. However ever since I showed her the Sound of Music (1965) to introduce the topic of fascism and Nazis to her, she’s been listening to that nonstop. Its a great film with a great soundtrack though so I can’t complain too much. Still, slowly weaning her off. Maybe I should have let her watch the producers?
Maybe I should have let her watch the producers?
Nah, dive in fully and let her watch ‘downfall’.
My offspring knows more than they should about underground hiphop, punk rock, and electronic music.
My offspring knows pop punk.
Is this blink 182?
Wow. This was Drax level of obliviousness.
No kidding, that’s obviously Green Day
I was never really into the offspring I keep forgetting they exist
That is The Offspring
Oh I get it now.
Took my 7 and 5 year olds to go see Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, and Rancid last summer. Taking them to a music festival this summer and probably Offspring in the fall. They listen to 80s and 90s music on their own, and I’ll turn on the older rock when we get in the car.
Babies love melodic death metal