Same energy, different target demographic.
That address redirects to I think three different sites without HTTPS and then it ends up on some webhosting site
Uh-oh, it’s one of those websites
Not weird at all. Totally normal website made by a totally normal person.
Seriously, it’s like everytime you have a jet ski party and someone has to go to the hospital, suddenly the news is saying he got shot. It’s like ‘ugggh’, right?
Why do these websites always read like a bottle of Dr.Bronner?
Dr Bronner’s insane ramblings are at least wholesome though
deleted by creator
…where the police promptly shot him?
Probably, actually.
Why is all of this written so completely stupidly?
Thank you for putting me on to where goes :)
Gods 1 was way better.
Into the wonderful
Means they stopped paying for their domain and some ad squatter picked it up
It’s from 2016…I would have been surprised if it still worked.
It works fine for me, although maybe OP fixed it?
Nah. That website is probably just hosted on a Pentium 2 and it struggles to host 10 active sessions.
Covfefe Diem, imperator!
Covfefe is Classical Latin, not Vulgar Latin which is what the plebeians speak.
Is it just me that wants to vandalize the Billboard with “Romanes eunt domus”
People called Romanes, they go the house?
If you’d do that I’d want to correct your terrible grammer!
Not “Sic semper tyrannis”?
Now, write it 100 times, or I’ll cut your bollocks off.
No way this is real lmaoo
I almost have tears in my eyes.
Also a bit reminiscent of Johnny de Vito in “Romancing the stone”
Trump pro imperatore MMXXIV
Hoc comment me fecit rideat
I know maga is dumb and all but I gotta imagine this is fake. No way they would actually know latin. That would only happen if they went to church as much as they pretend they do.
The more likely scenario is that some staffer used Google translate, and thought that Latin means the language of the Latinos.
Google translate says the bottom line is Czech. LMAO
Could be identical in both languages.
It isnt
bruh google translate
Kek. I’m reminded of when the Russian FSB supposedly caught Western spies in Russia. Among the incriminating evidence were several pirated copies of The Sims game. Presumably, the FSB goons were told to plant phone simcards at the scene but they misunderstood it to mean the PC game. As such, I am conjecturing that this billboard was designed by inept Russian or Indian online operatives.
I bet this was some sort of gen AI mishap: “translate this campaign text to Latin”, because of course Latinos speak Latin, and it’s called Latin America too!
Although this would be twice as hilarious if they hired a translator who just went “🤷 ah well, money is money”
if they hired a translator who just went “🤷 ah well, money is money”
Probably a Latini…
Anyways, this reminds me when the series Homeland filmed at a location that was supposed to be a syrian refugee camp and hired arab speaking graffiti artists to “add authenticity” and they wrote things like “Homeland is racist” and “BlackLivesMatter” and shit like it instead of the requested “Pro -Assad” messages…
“However, as Homeland always strives to be subversive in its own right and a stimulus for conversation, we can’t help but admire this act of artistic sabotage.”
Dude can’t even admit the fact that they purposefully portray Muslim countries like that. What a shit bag.
or just scrolling through a drop down list of languages and saw Latin before Spanish.
Well, they ARE LATINos, not SPANISHos, silly
Genuinely giggling to myself over the pronunciation as spuh-NEE-shohs
This can’t be real. I mean . . it very much can be real, but c’mon. Somebody’s just fucking with us right
The number of people in my town that think our language is American, Mexicans speak Mexican, all Asian people are Chinese, and any random combination of cities/countries are part of the United States makes this very plausible.
Oh its possible, sure. But is it real or a prank?
The fact that we have to ask is scary enough
Sure, but we’ve been in this timeline since the Escalator Ride to Hell so it’s not, like, that unusual.
Heck, Pizzagate was a no-shit, for real thing these chowderheads yapped about for years. Maybe still do.
Like you could say American is a sub dialect of English with it further broken down into accents. But I doubt most folks think of it that way, especially folks who say “I speak American” outside of an argument with the English.
and any random combination of cities/countries are part of the United States
You do have a few Saint-Petersburgs, right? And Athens? And Cairos?
that think our language is American,
Similar to Russia then.
Mexicans speak Mexican,
Similar to Russia then.
all Asian people are Chinese,
Still similar to Russia.
The problem is I can see it being real and I can see it being put up by either campaign
Democrats are much more likely to have a Spanish speaker on staff at all levels. They are a more diverse bunch. Republicans, many from southern states will speak some Spanish, more so than northern white democrats. But, they are more likely to he a white only staff at each level, so nobody would pick up on it.
This is part of the reason diversity is important. It will be self evident to some people that things are not right, whereas those in a different world won’t even notice.
Removed by mod
Whoever put the sign up, all it did was confuse the shit out of anyone who knows at least one romance language.
How the hell can you see this being put up by Democrats? What idiot messaging do they have that even comes close to the torrent of ignorant bullshit the republiQans swim in every moment of the day?
Not the party, but it falls very in line with the current “whether or not this is true, they seem the type” attacks such as the couch fucker memes
I see the couch memes as an extension of “I can see Russia from my house” memes.
Sic Transit Racism.
The astroturfing is obscene on several levels of ignorance and artificiality, fake as the sincerity on a Nestlé ad, only more ignorant. “We don’t and won’t listen to a single Latino among us”.
And still, I hear of Latinos gravitating towards this shit. It’s like they’ve normalized living under bigoted oppression in places like Texas or Arizona, and/or fall for the “family values” catholic bias.
Or they come at it from some other batshit insane angle, referring to the orange plague of 2016-20 - “Funcionó! It worked!” and refusing to elaborate further, as if the case was obvious in some way that’s utterly incomprehensible to me.
Plenty of people originary from South America have “old fashioned” values and principles (family, religion, homophobia, racism, expectations of a certain kind of “strong” “leader”) which map into ideologies well into the Conservative Right in countries which already went through a moral liberalization stage, and in some cases they even hold pretty much Fascist “values” which would map very well into what Trump sells nowadays.
I live in Portugal, which nowadays manages to be more morally liberal that the US, at least amongst the younger generations (mostly because the US went backwards), were the greatest immigrant group are Brasilians (same language) and in the last two elections in Brasil the ones who voted from Portugal were far more pro-Bolsonaro than the ones living in Brasil, which puts them to the Right of the Portuguese Far-Right (which doesn’t actually sell a return to a Fascist Dictatorship like Bolsonaro does, are pretty much mute on the subject of Religion and are comparativelly mild when it comes to Nationalism)
Similary when I lived in Britain during the Leave Referendum and worked in a Tech Startup in London, the only guy there who voted Brexit was a dual national British-Indian who, judging by things his kid let slip before daddy shut him up, was an Indian Nationalist (who had even attended a Military College as a kid in India).
Further, if I look at the immigrants that my own country sent abroad during its previous time of heavy emmigration (back in the 60s/70s) those are people who mainly had pretty backwards (“traditional”) values compared to those of the countries they moved to, and who since then if they did not deeply integrate in their host country (which, as far as I can tell, having been an immigrant myself, is quite common amongst people who immigrated due to economic need rather than a yearning for broader horizons) have kept more or less calcified certain values that even in their country of origin people moved away from over time - in other words, not only do people come in from other countries with values which are “old fashioned” in more modern countries, but it’s not at all uncommon for people who have been immigrated for decades still thinking in many ways like people in their country of origin did all those decades ago even though in the meanwhile their country of origin society has evolved away from that kind of thinking.
Romanes eunt domus
People called Romanes they go the house?
It says, “Romans go home!”
No it doesn’t!
Romani ite domum!
Now write that 100 times!
The united states delenda est
What a dipshit, using a dead language for a dead campaign.
I’m not American, but I’m really surprised that some Americans don’t know anything about Spanish. I mean, there are a lot of places in the U.S. with Spanish names, and it’s easy to encounter Hispanic/Mexican culture if you live in places like L.A.
I live over 5,000 kilometers from LA and have never been anywhere near it. As an American I am closer to actual Spain across the ocean.
The US is massive and not nearly as well-mixed as people believe. If you don’t happen to live in a spanish-heavy area, it’s like a Russian that doesn’t know Spanish - obviously some do, but I’m not at all surprised by those who don’t.
in terms of land-area, the us is closer to Europe than any single European country.
Imagine, for example, being surprised that Catalonians are unfamiliar with Sami, or Swedes being unfamiliar with Maltese.
Population wise, too. Minnesota is different than California, or even our neighbors (north and South Dakota, Wisconsin and Iowa, Canada to the north,).
Hell. The Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St Paul) are very different and we can lob insults across the river.
…so the fact that the US is large somehow explains how that sign got through its entire chain of production and deployment without anyone realising that Latino people don’t speak Latin?
No. it explains this:
I’m not American, but I’m really surprised that some Americans don’t know anything about Spanish.
having a lot of Latinos in one place doesn’t mean there’s a lot elsewhere, or that the people who made the sign are even anywhere close to familiar with any sort of Latino culture… for example, in Minnesota, there’s a large number of Puerto Ricans in St Paul. if you drove forty minutes out west, you’re not going to see that. Same goes with the Somali influence in Cedar Riverside, or the Hmong neighborhoods.
as for the sign… the people who actually made the sign don’t give a flying rat’s ass what’s on it. A client sends them a picture or something, they print it, and send it out. If anyone even actually looked at it. It could have been an entirely automated service like vistaprint or whoever.
its like the bakers that put “just say ‘Happy Birthday’ in rainbow icing letters” on the cake. they’re not paid enough to care what they’re actually printing.
Which means the only people who probably who really needed to fail to understand the distinction is… the people that ordered it. And when you’re talking about somebody who probably hung that up on their fence… there’s not a “chain” of people involved.
as for the sign… the people who actually made the sign don’t give a flying rat’s ass what’s on it.
Pre-press is part of my job. I care about the quality of the art and whether or not the text prints correctly. I send a proof to the client after I’ve checked those thing, and they verify that the text, etc. is correct, that we have the correct size, material, and so on. If someone sends me artwork that’s going to end up printing at 26dpi, then I’m going to let them know that it’s going to look bad. If they send raster text that they’ve blown up 5x and is all bitmappy, I’m gonna let them know that they need to fix that.
If the text is in Latin rather than Spanish? Not my concern.
In my own experience inside political parties (granted, small ones in Europe rather than a big US one) is that actual merit is almost never how people are selected for most responsabilities, especially at a local level.
You’re not going to get the same quality of work out of people who basically volunteered to do something or got picked because they’re mates of the guy or gal running the local party office, and are doing it for free, than you would get when the necessary skills are determined, an advert for a PAID position is posted with those skills and from the candidates responding to it one is selected via a half-way decent interview process.
Judging by the looks of that poster that’s very much an amateur job done by a local voluntary, not something created at national level where it’s more likely (at least for big parties, not so much for smaller ones) that people are actually employed and were properly selected to do it (not that there’s not plenty of cronyism at national level in political parties, but that’s not usually for what are seen as “lowly” “auxiliary” positions in a Political Party such as a Graphics Designer position would).
Then, of course, on top of that comes the “small detail” that the average level of formal Education and even breadth of Life Experience is significantly lower in the Far Right, so the average Republic Party amateur is more ignorant at all levels than the average Democrat Party amateur.
LA to NYC is roughly the same distance as Lisbon to Moscow
Yup. Europe is only slightly larger. And that’s europe, not the EU. Europe on the whole is significantly denser in population, though.
If you want to compare direct numbers, the EU has ~450 million to the Us’s ~350 million and 3.9 million (or cia’s fact book, 4.2) km^2 compared to 9.8 million km^2.
The other countries that are similar are India, china and Russia.
Well, there are people with different roots from all over the world. The fewest of us are actually native american, so I think everyone has their culture and embraces that on his own wish. Then we all come together in the middle to create American culture.
I know it’s not the way it works and this sounds like racism doesn’t exist in the US or something which is of course utter bullshit. This is the way I think how it should be done and how I practice it myself. I actually know a bit of Spanish and dipped my toe already in Mexican culture, but I’m not going to study and embrace it because it’s not my particular culture, just as I am not expecting an Hispanic person to study and embrace my culture. In the end I don’t think about culture a lot. I like cool and interesring people, cool and interesting music and of course good food. In total I just want to have a good time and I am happy to encounter parts of anyone’s culture in a natural way were I can explore things more like an adventure and less like a chore