Would be good if it activated the bell on copy so there is a chime whenever you copy something letting you know it worked.
Copying doesn’t have visual feedback, which is the issue.
I’d rather cut/paste in old place/paste in new place to get that feedback!
Good old Ctrl+X Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+V.
I’m a Ctrl+X Ctrl+V, Ctrl+V kinda guy
My people!
NO! You’re doing it terribly wrong!! It’s Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, and then Ctrl+V!!!
Ctrl+X, get distracted, Ctrl+V no output. Realisation. Suffering.
GNOME has this great extension called “Clipboard History”, that you can use to save your clipboard for later use.
Always use a copy buffer!
Like the one built in to newer windows versions via win+V or the loads of them available for Linux.
You can’t always though. Sometimes you are attempting to “cut” from an unchangeable source so you won’t get that feedback.
Windows itself could acknowledge it, something like a pulse around the selected text or the edges of the window, kinda like it does for screenshots
This is so true. It’s so simple and obvious. Therefore it’s gotta be the right answer
Trying to copy some text in a Linux terminal and instead just ending a process 🆘
In many cases, perhaps most, you can use Ctrl+shift+c/v to get around this. This muscle memory has caused problems for me because Ctrl+shift+c in Firefox brings up the development console (IIRC) and I haven’t found a way to close that without using the mouse.
Depending on your environment, you may also be able to highlight text, press no keys, and middle click elsewhere to paste.
For this very reason I’ve disabled ctrl shift c in Firefox.
It never occurred to me to even check whether it can be disabled. I suspect you have improved my life and thank you for doing so!
Yeah I know about
I was joking, I think we’ve can all relate to accidentally sending a interrupt signal every now and then!Now tell me how to copy text from
and paste it elsewhere! 😆It did seem likely you would know, but if I can, I’d prefer giving someone redundant knowledge over hoarding information they could use.
I can definitely relate to accidentally ending a process, especially back when I used PuTTY. Very frustrating.
I use vim, but I’ve never had trouble copying text out of it the same way I would out of any other terminal process. Does nano introduce special challenges?
If you highlight text in nano using your keyboard I think it uses nanos built-in highlighting and doesn’t allow copying to the clipboard. It has it’s own built in cut and paste system, and not on the keys you would expect.
If you highlight the text with your mouse it uses the terminals highlighting and copying to your clipboard works!
Just lot’s of inconsistency is what I’m saying, similar to your Firefox experience!
Oh yeah - if you’re using your keyboard, it’s a different prospect. In vim, I would use the yank functionality, but that doesn’t travel between windows. I wouldn’t know how to do that without the mouse.
I’m afraid I can’t help you with nano, either, but good luck in your search!
Can’t tell you about nano, but in Vi it’s
to copy (or yank) a line, insert a number between the y’s to copy more than one line. I.e.y5y
to yank 5 lines.Then
to paste.Can also just use your terminals method for copy paste, just remember to hit
for insert before you paste.
Shouldn’t F12 still close it, even if you opened it with another command?
Apparently so. Nice!
The middle click is pretty nice on a ThinkPad, since that’s probably the only place where it’s an actual separate key.
I almost exclusively use a trackball, specifically a Kensington Orbit. If you care to click the link, you’ll see it has no physical middle click; instead, it emulates one if you simultaneously left and right click. I originally found this uncomfortable, especially because its functionality was less reliable when I discovered it; since then, though, it has improved with newer models and I’ve gotten much more practice using it. I now find it eminently usable - enough even to perform in games and such.
Now my only real issue is the actual scrolling. I don’t use it to scroll documents very often, but once the ring starts spinning, it continues doing so pretty freely. When gaming, this can make it challenging to switch weapons with any precision. One of my friends described it not as a scroll wheel, but a selection randomizer.
At first I wanted a trackball mouse, now I just want a USB ThinkPad style keyboard instead, which I’d probably get if I had a desktop.
I basically don’t have to move my arms, the mouse is in middle of the keyboard. After a while it feels not like a pointing device, but an extension of the finger.
Scrolling long pages is also pretty nice. Press down middle-click with thumb, push down/up TrackPoint with index finger. I can just keep scrolling without moving fingers, just varying pressure.But it’s not perfect either. There’s often some drifting. As far as I know, it continually calibrates itself, to prevent drift in most cases. Well, if you’ve just been scrolling down for a while and let go, the mouse pointer will drift upwards for a bit. Similar to if you’ve been resting a finger on it without doing anything. It got recalibrated as your finger literally being a part of it.
You just have to… wait a few seconds. Annoying but not too bad.That seems achievable.
edit: Back in the nineties or aughties, I had something similar to this. I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone, but it does seem to have goals similar to yours.
Just give your computer the three finger salute
macOS does this right with copy and paste using the command key.
One of the few times I’ve been able to appreciate their eccentricities was when using Ctrl+w to delete a word in a shell environment in a remote desktop environment inside a web browser. I pressed the key combination out of habit, cringed as I realized I’d just closed the tab and would have to reauthenticate several times to get back to it, then was delighted to realize I hadn’t closed the tab because I hadn’t passed command+w.
Putting all keyboard shortcuts on ctrl is pretty brain dead when there are so many other modifiers available.
This isn’t even a new idea or anything. The Amiga had its own key for that purpose and lots of Unix machines did as well like “meta”.
Just the kind of insight I would expect from the best boyfriend in the world.
Bud there’s plenty of things on alt and winappleta
Sure. But not the most commonly used shortcuts to cut, copy, paste, undo.
For real how is there not a new standard for this yet
For me it’s usually Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Shift+V
Seriously, why would anyone ever want to paste with formatting?!
If you’re copying from the same doc then you’d usually want to keep the formatting.
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V. Cut gives the visual acknowledgement that copy has worked
Control shift C used to copy formatting and control shift v would paste the formatting. So if you pasted in a word doc or excel you could copy the font style and size from the cell or paragraph next to it and paste it over the weird.
Then control shift C in Teams decided it would call everyone in the group chat at fucking once.
I am an esteemed gentleman. I see something i want to copy, i make sure i ctrl+c at least 9 times to make sure my clipboard is getting the message.
I installed a kde machine the other day and forgot about the default weirdass clipboard behavior. Thought my keyboard was broken for a minute.
What’s weird with the KDE clipboard?
If you try to copy commands off the internet (ie because you’re using Linux), Ctrl+c from Firefox, right click-paste or ctrlshift+v into konsole doesn’t work. I dunno why, I just know if you turn off the kde clipboard manager it goes back to working.
Oh I’ve noticed that, I didn’t realize that was a KDE thing lol
Ctrl + Shift + V
No more copying mystery garbage format, fonts, and colors from a different document. Why it isn’t standard to just copy raw data and a function to copy the format i will never know
It was. It used to just work. This is what they took from us, those monsters.
Yeah CTRL shift v is not so reliable, on fedora you can copy and paste with Ctrl shift v from and in terminal and get garbage characters to clean
you can copy and paste with Ctrl shift v from and in terme au get garbage characters yo clean
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
But do you change ovens during the cooking ? You shloud try, it change the taste.
I still wonder why that’s the default
I never had a single time where I wanted to randomly copy and paste the formatting, often including fonts, textcolor and background colors
Such a bizarre thing
Vestige from MS office dominance would be my guess
No it’s program specific
The third column is my trust level in ctrl+c on microsoft excel
Excel is also the only software where you can only paste something once and them having to select and copy it again
Oh god the amount of times it straight up doesn’t work when I KNOW I hit the right keys
Windows 11 seems to just not work sometimes I swear. Control c that is. Control v always fucking works.
I see your problem there.
If Nvidia could figure out their shit on Wayland is be over on CachyOS for gaming but I just ran into to many crashes and such with my 4090
My complaint mostly comes from having to use windows 11 for work though. That I can’t control 😭
Win10 too. Fucking annoying
I knew a guy who would hit CTRL+C multiple times. Trust issues.
- Highlight, select all.
- Reach for ctrl-c
- Accidentally press ctrl-v.
- I spent all morning writing that. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
I use ctrl-s and ctrl-z for occasions just like this.
On that first step there’s also ctrl-a to select all don’t forget
That’s why ctrl-z exists
Instead I often either press CTRL+C instead of CTRL+V, or mispress in a way I quickly press C just before V, usually on an empty line, so it vipes my local clipboard, then I have to rely on Win+V because Kate still doesn’t have a clipboard history.
Why is Windows so bad at ctrl+c? Never had an issue until I was given a work laptop running Windows.
in my experience Linux is worse, but that’s only because I stop processes in the terminal lol
other than that they’re pretty equal for me, could you give some examples where you have difficulties?
It’s not?
Here’s the kicker: I work in SolidWorks. I frequently use the measure tool and copy dimensions from an assembly to paste into a part sketch. It used to always work, but lately it hasn’t been reliable, pasting an empty string into the dimension entry instead. However, if I paste the copied text into Notepad first, then copy the text from Notepad, I can then paste it back into SolidWorks just fine.
try Ctrl+Shift+V
it pastes text without formatting
I’ll give that a go next time SolidWorks plays dumb. Right now it’s being nice.
Thanks for the tip!
I wonder if this is the change causing us all trouble. Did old control v do this?
Amen to this. I have to use a Win machine for work and it’s absolutely bloody maddening. Ctrl-Shift-V always.
I feel this currently way to hard. Since some days ago on wayland and kde, copy paste between different groups of programms stopped working. Looks like there are hiccups between native installed and flatpaks.
I think that might be the kde keyboard manager doing something.
I had to change some permissions in flatseal, it then started working again. But lookin into the keyboard manager ia also a good idea.
sometimes I use ctrl+x to make sure
Always triple tap that motherfucker.