This is me, I save all the glass jars. Also save the tide pod containers and my wife coffee cans. They all have a use.
Anything you buy that comes in a bag can be moved into a jar. It saves a lot of space because jars tesselate nicer and can use up vertical space more efficiently. It also encourages you to actually use the things you buy because you’ve now removed the friction of digging through piles of bags and hoping that the bag you pull out isn’t load bearing for the rest of the pile. Opening a jar is also much easier than opening/resealing bags.
We never have enough jars in this household.
I really got hung up on the “reuse” part of reduce, reuse, recycle.
I am both of the people in this image.
Your day will come and it will all be worth it. My day came when the mice arrived. My wife, the one who holds me back, let me loose. Glass jars to the moon! Mice had no chance! I am king again. Brrruhhshahhahaahaha! Cackle cackle evil victory laugh.
This is my partner with jars.
Same. Our agreement is that she can keep glass containers, and I can keep old electronics. We keep each other in check lol
You know what grinds my gears? I give someone a jar of my homemade jam, or of honey from my bees, in one of my GOOD jars, and I never see that jar again. One “friend” said she had some jars, did I want them? Yes please! Aaaand they were weird tall skinny jars or tiny sample size jars, all with the labels still on. Straight in the recycling bin. I should have kept them and given her a tiny sample jar of honey instead of the normal pound.
Rant over.
I don’t think Rainbow Dash likes where this is going.
This is some advanced brain rot
That cursed post has forever ruined jars for me
There’s a local store, where you can bring your glass jars and they fill you up with all kinds of dry foods. Since I’ve started buying there, I’ll look in normal stores specifically for products that come in decent-looking jars. 🙃
Man, I gotta make the trip to our local unpackaged goods store. One of these days …
Instead of separating grocery stores by Vegetable, Dairy, etc, we should separate them into Dry Goods, Moist Goods, Wet Goods, and Iced Goods.
Average Frugal parent
I just store them in very large jars. I have several of these now. Don’t know where to put them anymore.
I keep my very large jars full of jars in these massive cylindrical glass containers with lids on. Can’t think of the name for them but they do the job.
That sounds like those Russian dolls where there’s a doll inside a doll inside a doll can’t remember the name lol
Wooden doll-jars?
Matryoshka Dolls
Thank you!
>>grunts in Hyrulean<<