I once was a passenger in a clown car squeezed full of people who were all high as kites, including the driver. We were bowling merrily along, when someone said, “How fast are we going? I feel like we’re going really fast.” There was a bit of discussion about how fast we should be going, and whether it felt faster than that, and then the driver thought to check the speedo. 25mph, in a 30mph area. I haven’t laughed so hard since.
So yes, it can impair your judgement when driving.
Was playing Trivial Pursuit with family one time, classics question came up. My brother replied “Pericles”. His 10-yo daughter said “Wrong!” He knew he was right & demanded the “correct” answer.
“Testicles.” Pronounced to rhyme with Pericles. It was the answer to another question on the card - What is removed from a horse to make it a gelding?
The poor child. Her face as we all screamed laughing. “What?!?”