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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • Maybe chickpeas are expensive where you live, or maybe you miscalculated. Either way, take a look at my numbers for comparison.

    We can get a 3.63kg bag of chickpeas here for $7.49 (CAD). Assuming you fulfill all your Calorie and protein needs from chickpeas alone (2500 Calories and 150g protein per day), it comes out to about $600/year. That’s $1.64/day. In order to be $10/day, you’d have to pay 6x as much for your chickpeas, so that same 3.63kg bag would have to cost $45.50.

  • More variety in your diet is likely to always be superior to less. That goes for both kids and adults. The trouble with younger kids is that deficiencies can impact their development and have more severe long term consequences, and they’re also less capable of seeking out foods to fill that gap.

  • It’s important for sure. It just so happens to also be one of those things that are very easy to verify but hard to do, which is what makes it perfect for automation.

    The other nice thing about letting AI do naming is that these are names that are very statistically likely given the context. That means it’s more likely to be understood by others. If I come up with something myself, it might make sense to me, but it might not to someone else reading the code. I think this is especially important when you’re working in your own little bubble and don’t get many eyes on your code.

  • Another one of the million projects in my backlog that I’ll never get to.

    There’s one major problem with this kind of website that I’ve been wanting a solution for, and it’s that people often only leave reviews when they have an exceptionally bad experience. So when you see a product with lots of negative reviews, does that mean it’s actually bad? Or is it just a very popular product, so lots of people will find issues with it? I think the solution to that is some form of review pre-registration. When you buy something that’s intended to last a while, inform the review website of that purchase. Then if something goes wrong and you leave a negative review, you can see what percentage of purchases are affected.

  • Is this an issue of executive dysfunction? Putting the cart back is such a trivial task that I have a hard time attributing it to laziness. It doesn’t sound like you’re doing it on purpose to be a dick either. Do you find that you sometimes can’t do other things that should also be trivially simple? Like getting up off the couch to grab something two feet away, or deciding that lunch is too complicated because you need to put it in the microwave? My partner and I have both gone through this for most of our lives and it really sucks, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

  • Before I started adblocking, I’d get “relevant” ads in that I can understand how someone of my age/gender might like it, but they’re never things I’d purchase myself. I just want a mostly empty home with as little visual stimulation as possible, and buying more stuff doesn’t help with that.

    So yeah, I’m definitely saying “ads don’t work for me”, but it’s probably only because these companies refuse to make ads targeted to people like me.

  • How does one then answer the question “If you think elections don’t work, then why do you participate?” by a non-anarchist?

    You’ve made plenty of good points throughout the article about the problems with the system. I don’t see why that can’t be your answer. There’s no contradiction in acknowledging major problems and still exerting what little influence you do have.

    But if they “work a little” for an anarchist, certainly they would work a lot for a non-anarchist.

    How does that logic follow? Assuming you both have the same values and are trying to achieve the same thing, then a solution that works for one person will work just as well for another. The difference in opinions is on which solution will work, not on what you’re trying to achieve.