I know skinheads were originally a workers movement. But here in the states skinheads were white supremacists by the time they got imported. I’m from Dallas, Texas where skinheads were always Nazis and a big problem.
“Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice was founded in 1987 by Marcus, a skinhead from New York City. It emerged as a response by suburban adolescents to the bigotry of the growing White Power Movement in 1982. Traditional skinheads (Trads) formed as a way to show that the skinhead subculture was not based on racism and political extremism.”
please don’t give the term skinheads to the fascists. nazi punks fuck off ✌️
I know skinheads were originally a workers movement. But here in the states skinheads were white supremacists by the time they got imported. I’m from Dallas, Texas where skinheads were always Nazis and a big problem.
Up with workers, fuck off to Nazis.
“Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice was founded in 1987 by Marcus, a skinhead from New York City. It emerged as a response by suburban adolescents to the bigotry of the growing White Power Movement in 1982. Traditional skinheads (Trads) formed as a way to show that the skinhead subculture was not based on racism and political extremism.”