Sorry, can’t find any better sources for this.

The animator then asked Maher what the “downside” of “getting a vaccine” was, which caused the comedian to go on an anti-vax tirade.

“The fact that you the fact that you don’t even have a clue what’s the cost of getting a vaccine that you don’t know the answer to that. You completely want to shut your eyes to the fact that there are repercussions to all medical interventions, including a vaccine, all vaccines,” he ranted. “They come, they say side effects, just like every medication does. You can see it in the literature. They can’t write it on their back on the vaccine. So you have to dig them. And of course, there is a vaccine court because so many people have been injured.”

    10 months ago

    I don’t think this is a statistical issue.

    When you boil down the rhetoric, what it comes down to is cognitive dissonance.

    Anti-vaxers, and conservatives generally, have a negative physical reaction when they encounter a fact that goes contrary to their already established beliefs. Now to be fair, liberals do this too but not to the same extent.

    There is a nugget of truth in their rhetoric which is that the government shouldn’t be trusted. On that basis, an entire lie and, quite frankly a political party, has established itself as “the government wants to track you with the vaccine!” while completely ignoring their cell phones.

    Many of these people don’t want to know the truth because when presented with it, the truth will force them to either accept it or go back to what they know and, more importantly, feel.

    This isn’t a battle over math.

    It’s a battle over emotion and that’s why it’s so hard to win.

      10 months ago

      Yeah I was alluding to that. One would hope that death, permanent disability, and prolonged suffering would be stronger emotional motivators than minor heart problems, learning disabilities, and government overreach. But it appears that your preconceived notions can be so strong that you ignore the real possibile outcomes of your actions. I just wish so many people didn’t have to pay for their ignorance with their lives