Vehicular manslaughter, hit and run, and god only knows how many illegal car modifications
Yeah, the ld50 for gasoline is 5000 mg/kg, not 14,000 which is the limit for acute toxicity. This whole chart is shit.
The left has lost their minds! One year olds should carry their pregnancies to term, think about the children!!
Taking a screen shot with your eyes
That is so much time and money for nudes and a few hook ups.
Far too generous a comparison for Addison
We are living in the worst timeline
“Basic economics still works, more at 11”
How dare you speak that name to me
And that we shouldn’t make the comparison because of that. Maybe you should read my comment again.
People should freak out. If Israel succeeds in eradicating Palestine that will by definition be a holocaust. When you do the exact same things, you get compared.
Feed me Seymour
Not to mention there was a similar expression in use at the time in the east using an elephant. The verse is pretty unambiguous.
The U.S. won’t even let other countries vote for socialism, you think they’re gonna let it happen here?
It must be there’s no way this is real.
Oh dip, nice username
And then realized that hitler was actually a pretty good guy, the best guy, not better than me, but really great. The whole thing was a hoax though, a witch hunt, blah blah, A lot of really good people on both sides, blah blah, poisoning the blood of our country, blah blah Jewish space lasers.
Yeah it’s a bit less than subtle now
Mentally unstable is a part of his charm for them