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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • It probably depends on slight differences in regional dialect. Where I am from I would say woman and women are often pronounced pretty similarly, while man and men are easier to tell apart.

    In my region, woman is often pronounced with an ‘uh’ sound, like womuhn. It’s pretty easy to confuse with women. I have noticed that people in my area will sometimes vary up the ‘wo’ part of women and woman depending on which one they are using. So women becomes ‘wimen’, and woman becomes ‘wumuhn’.

  • Yea the social score thing seems like a misunderstanding of Chinese culture.

    Chinese culture (and other Asian cultures) have a history of shunning people who have committed ‘shameful’ acts out of their communities.

    The MMA guy that the previous comment was talking about was shunned out of living a normal life in China for exposing the phony Kung Fu masters in China.

    The Chinese government has experimented with different kinds of social score systems, though most didn’t stick. They do have a credit/banking score system just like we have in the US, too. Still, I think most of this blacklisting just comes from their culture, and not from the Chinese government enforcing social scores.

  • Grok is a verb, meaning to understand something intuitively or by empathy. It was first used in the novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein.

    Grok has been adopted by the tech community for use when someone is very advanced at using a certain program or a command line utility, etc. When somebody gets to such an advanced level, they don’t just understand the program and it’s uses anymore, they grok it.

    It’s actually kind of annoying and sad that Elon is stealing the word to use for his LLM.

  • I feel like the way out is global and cultural in nature,

    I agree that it starts with a sense of a global community. Instead of people considering themselves a citizen of their homecountry, they need to switch to the mindset of being a citizen of Earth.

    We now have the technology to get past the language barrier, so it is more possible to get people together, talking about our future as a species more than anytime in our history.

    One thing that could help is some sort of globally available social media, or forum that automatically translate to the language of the reader. Imagine if a Chinese person could post something in Chinese, but English speakers could read and respond in English, and vice versa.