it’s time change season so now my internal clock is completely fucked up

    17 hours ago

    I started the week very sleepy lol.

    • slept more than i should and still felt tired
    • had to take 10 books to the library (4 that i had taken and 6 that i’m donating) and they were heavy af
    • when i came back, i realized that i forgot to buy cat food, so i immediately had to leave again (thankfully the vet is only some blocks away)
    • i felt so sore when i finally got to sit down at home, but i got to eat the yummy bread i had baked earlier ☺️🥖
    • i walked 9369 steps/7.11km in total, and i’m gonna walk close to the same amount tommorrow too + swim around 1.2mts! 😆
    • eepy