"Voting for a third party accomplishes one thing. It takes votes away from one of the other major-party candidates. Given that the status quo favors the Republican candidate – think the Electoral College – voting for a third party is probably going to take votes away from Joe Biden. Whatever you think of him, he’s better than the alternative. (The alternative, by the way, likes making jokes about being a dictator.)

Actually, it accomplishes another thing. It enriches presidential candidates for third parties that do not work in cooperation with one of the major parties. (It’s called “fusion voting.”) For instance, the Green Party — these people know they can’t win. They know the status quo prevents them from winning. They don’t say that, though. In the space between what they know and what their supporters don’t know is a scam. In the absence of systemic change, third parties that don’t cooperate with one of the major parties are inherently exploitative."

  • Suavevillain@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    It is near impossible to beat the duopoly when you’re facing two sets of billionaire class donors and politics driven by fear. Trump and Harris are closer on Policy. Plus with the current system depending on your state your vote is almost preselected going to one person. Such as FL basically going to Trump for free. Why should I vote for someone I can’t influence and who has pledged their loyalty to AIPAC money.

    I know liberals don’t care about the issues that drive voters to third parties in the 1st place, lol. It is always kick the can down the road or “We can vote a more progressive person in the future.” It will never happen, so I might as well vote for someone I agree with.