And by aliens I mean, outer space creatures and UFO. For whatever reason all UFO sighting footage looks either fake or like recorded with a Casio keyboard. And I find hard to believe we don’t have any decent footage of them with all the surveillance and technology we have now.

Edit: 🍿

    16 days ago

    1au doesn’t leave the solar system. Barely any stars are within a parsec. Are you intentionally filtering the options?

      16 days ago

      We have no data for an Earth analog around a G-type star, like absolutely nothing. I highly doubt there is some universal life around such a star, but out of a sample size of 1, who could rule them out? Kepler was barely supposed to be able to survey at this resolution, but totally failed at that objective. They claimed success for politically criminal reasons, but go look at the actual data and you’ll see the random noise they cherry picked to make that claim and how they are massive outliers from the rest of the data. None of those data points are remotely scientifically relevant or taken seriously. No other survey to date has come close to an Earth like resolution.

      Researching for my book, there several G-type stars within 7 parsecs. I find them most interesting, but I do not believe complex life is likely anywhere in this galaxy at the present point in time.