Donald Trump fired off an angry middle-of-the-night attack on “highly overrated Jewish Governor” Josh Shapiro after he spoke out against the former president at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night.

    2 months ago

    They’ll never come out and say it openly, but I sense a strong theme in the Harris campaign of “we’re also running to give the republican party the impetus to kick Trump and his cronies to the political nothingness that they deserve to be in”

    With so many people saying “I’m a republican but I’m voting for Harris”, it’s very clear that this election is just as much about Republican’s reclaiming their “grand ole’ party” from the cult of personality that has taken it over. It’s a shame that they have to literally vote with their opponent in order to make that happen. But the thought process seems to be “Let’s get dominated, spend the next four years purging ourselves of Trump and his idiotic sycophants, and then come back in the next election and fight with dignity again.”

      2 months ago

      I don’t disagree with your overall point, but let’s not pretend that the Republicans campaigned with dignity before Trump. Next time they’ll pick someone just as bad for America as Trump but he will be younger and controllable.

      2 months ago

      Trump wholely controls the RNC, they’re not working against him.

      Republican voters are willing to vote for Harris when they wouldn’t vote Biden, because Biden was just honestly a bad candidate. Now that the candidate is better, more people are willing to cross party lines and vote D.

      It would have happened in 2016 and 2020 too if we ran better candidates.

      Hell, it happened 2008 and 2012 when Obama ran. Not only did people vote for him. He flipped a lot of state governments in “red states” blue.

      Because he changed people’s minds about what the democratic party was.

        2 months ago

        I get that. But there’s no way these people stay Democratic in four years time. Their purpose is to take Trump’s loss as a means to wrestle back their party from MAGA. They know that it’s the only way they have a chance to win in four years is IF they start a Republican civil war after this (hopefully) loss of a great deal of power.

          2 months ago

          But there’s no way these people stay Democratic in four years time

          But there is…

          Run more popular candidates and count on Republicans to keep running the same shitty Republicans.

          We went from Obama (who wasn’t perfect as president, but a great candidate) to Hillary and Joe. And regardless of your opinion on them as presidents, most agree they were shit tier candidates.

          We dont have to start running shitty candidates, so we don’t have to lose those voters next election.

          It’s stupidly easy to beat Republicans, the money just doesn’t want what voters want. So the party aims for just popular enough to get elected, but still doing all the shitty stuff the money wants.

          If Republicans win every once and a while. It’s even better for the money, so they just don’t have any downsides.

          It’s why we desperately need to get money out of at least Dem primary’s like Bernie keeps saying.

      2 months ago

      I never got the concept of Republicans going back to running honorable candidates. They haven’t since Lincoln. The Republican candidates for just this century have been a certified pedophile, a Mormon, a man who chose Sarah fucking Palin as his running mate, and Bush. Hell, before that you had Reagan, who if you wanna blame America’s problems on one man, he’s the one. You had Bush Sr., who wasn’t completely awful and was granted 1 term for it. You’ve got Nixon and Watergate. You’ve got Eisenhower being almost impressively racist.

      The Republican party hasn’t had a good candidate in decades, if not well over a hundred years. Were they less openly insane before? Sure. Were they actually less insane? Absolutely not. These are the people that manufactured the drug crisis, leading to the pointless deaths and arrests of thousands of black people.

        2 months ago

        I don’t disagree. But even the worst candidate (besides Trump) was still a human being. Trump jacked the evil up to a whole new level, because not only does he contain all the worst aspects of ALL of those other people, he doesn’t even have the shame or the tact to hide it behind “politicking”.

        Yes. It’s all a charade. Political candidates are humans who are selfish, arrogant and don’t always have their constituents best interests at heart; especially conservatives. But there was always an unspoken agreement to hide all of that behind professionalism, proper decorum, debate and policy arguments. We do that because the alternative is chaos. When the evil is laid bare for all to see, then civilization itself is no longer truly relevant. If Trump can get away with all this shit, well fuck it, then so can I. The entire country can YOLO.

        We pretend. We and our politicians share a pleasant fiction where they’re “just like us” because everything collapses hard once Pandora’s box is open.

        Trump’s danger lays not in what he says or does. But in the shameless, unapologetic way that he does and says it which emboldens every one of his sycophants to start doing the same. Hold him accountable, in any way necessary, and yes…those assholes are still going to exist in the republican party to some degree (They’re like cockroaches after all). But we might, just might get back to running the country with at least a faux sense of civility and proper debate.