Christian nationalist North Carolina Republican Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, currently the leading candidate for the GOP nomination for governor, launched an attack on transgender women years after the Tar Heel State’s last GOP governor cost the state millions – and possibly billions – of dollars, and cost him his political career over the very same issue.

“We’re going to defend women in this state,” vowed Robinson, according to WUNC, at a campaign stop earlier this month. “That means if you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested — or whatever we got to do to you.”

“In campaign speeches in recent weeks,” WUNC added, “Robinson suggested that people who previously identified as male should be ‘arrested’ if they go in a women’s bathroom. Instead, he suggests they should ‘find a corner outside somewhere’ to relieve themselves.”

In a different campaign speech Robinson said, “if you are confused, find a corner outside somewhere to go. We’re not tearing society down because of this.”

    8 months ago

    maaaan i honestly kinda hope they can just over themselves. as someone who has cleaned toilets, i kinda don’t want gender neutral toilets. i don’t want them all to be as disgusting and horrible as women’s bathrooms. most men don’t know how good they have it with the currently segregated bathrooms…

      8 months ago

      I used to have to clean toilets at a banquet facility… my God the women’s restroom looked like a war room every goddamn morning. We drew straws on that task. Who the hell just slaps their pad onto the side of the wall when there is an empty receptacle right there for them…

      Thanks for bringing back that PTSD.