As Donald Trump falsely claimed the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him, Republicans in some states launched special units to prosecute voter fraud as part of a high-profile and controversial push to stamp out cheating some claimed was rampant.

    7 months ago

    I’m sure you could sue if you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt it is voter suppression. But our courts are so politized and corrupt I have little faith you would win.

    Right now the best we can do is vote for people who support greater access to voting. I’m personally of the opinion we pass a law requiring everyone who can legally vote must vote and it is the states responsibility to ensure it happens. As well as making it a requirement that all employers must provide one paid day off for voting for every election to be used at the employees discretion so they can vote when convenient for them. And finally any required documentation to vote must be provided free of charge and easily available.

      07 months ago

      Mandating that everyone must vote sounds like a recipe for disaster, not to mention how would that be enforced? Yes, it is a civic duty of utmost importance; but I simply cannot get behind this specific solution.

      • Jaysyn
        117 months ago

        Mandating that everyone must vote sounds like a recipe for disaster

        If Australia can figure it out, I bet we can too.

        77 months ago

        Everyone has to pay taxes. There are consequences if you don’t. Doesn’t seem insurmountable to mandate something similar for voting.