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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • i agree with specific point you’re making about the cause of shootings being lack of healthcare access in the US. You are also correct in my opinion that all three things are necessary for a healthy society. I think you might be missing your own point here with a typical assumption i see thrown out by the media, that asking for one of those 3 things precludes our ability to have the others. In other words, that we can’t advocate equally for all 3 at the same time!

    The idea that it is impossible for the US govt to work on these things in tandem over DECADES (these issues are DECADES in the making) is pervasive, effective, and inhibits progress on any. So why does it persist?

    Somehow while we know we should have them all, we are convinced to argue we cannot have one without the other first. Should not ask for one without the other more important issue first.

    The thing i’m trying to say is, yes we can. The government is (yaknow, hypothetically) able to tackle multiple issues at once and anyone who gets tricked into arguing which one we should pick allows the big G to have an excuse for not working on ANY of them.

    As you say, without all three the problems will not cease, they’ll just change shape. All the more reason to advocate for each, always, until they’re tackled, one by one.

  • Im not who you’re responding to but if the Rs are “regressive” and the Dems are not “progressive” but instead “status quo” couldn’t my opinion,

    (CW: chinese bot alert! BoTh SiDeS vote suppression incoming!)

    “neither party will help us move left” be pretty spot on? That is what everyone on the left wants, yeah? For the Overton Window to move left? We agree? Please tell me we agree on this much.

    If we do, how is such leftward movement even possible in the current political climate, with the DNC so hostile to the leftists already in its tent and openly courting ‘left-leaning’ Republicans? They are currently campaigning with right-wing rhetoric like a “lethal fighting force” and a “strong border wall”. Is the way to fight conservatism getting conservatives to join you? I guess I’m too stupid to see how that could work.

    I’m not saying Harris needs to make Roe v Wade’s return the number one cause of her campaign, but it and other leftist causes should be talked about waaay more than they have, don’t you think? I do anyway.

    Assuming i still have your ear and we agree the DNC is moving right politically, what can a Democratic voter do to slow or stop this rightward trend?

    Here’s where you expect me to tell you to vote 3rd party or some other useless shit but naw, the answer is "i dont know and it’s driving me bonkers thinking about how it must. "

    To be abundantly clear, please do vote for Harris. I am absolutely serious. I want her to win.

    Honestly, my secret fantasy has the Democrats winning a supermajority in all parts of the country and, without the republican bugaboo to point at and blame are either forced to come through on some long-term platform promises to leftists, or the voters are finally forced to see the Democratic Party for who they really are and finally form a party that represents them because it is them.

    Or the Dems prove me full of shit and it really was the darn ol’ Rs all along! What a blow to my ego that would be hahaha! I’d still take that L happily tho.

  • Is it fascinating i downvoted a comment that calls the post a lie without any evidence or even an attempt to make one besides vibes-based feelings? And those feelings boil down to ‘no one cared’? Do you find my distaste for that comment fascinating? I think my downvote of that comment is actually a pretty bog standard reaction to pedantry

  • I get what you’re saying bout the repetitiveness of the way people communicate. Someone it can feel like a bunch of LLMs slapping together the same 10-15 lines together to mimic speech.

    I attemt to say things in different ways and have a “voice” you can hear to fight this repetitiveness, and out of sheer boredom towards the ways things are commonly said. THAT said I’m “guilty” of using memespeech too, and if course it can be clever shorthand to convey feeling if used properly.

    Dunno where I’m going with this but i do feel ya.

  • Right, my bad. I guess I’m hinting at your comment needing a bit of a massage until it says what you mean. My suspicion is you actually just don’t like the turn of phrase, not that you don’t get why it’s used, right? Which is perfectly fine yo.

    Hell, the way you phrased not liking something as "not getting it’ and yor statement just now with the “?” At the end of it are both standard interwebby colloquialisms.

    Not fighting, just saying