stinerman [Ohio]

I am Stine. Comfort the afflicted. Afflict the comfortable. High School Wrestler™. Can usually correctly use the past tense in French. Suffers from clinical depression. on Mastodon.

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2023


  • Do you feel that the 4th amendment should protect them?


    Or perhaps a new amendment should be written to protect them and abolish power of subpoena?

    No. In fact I think people who refuse to testify should be held in contempt until they do. If they lie, perjury should be strictly prosecuted.

    [T]o force an individual to speak or disclose part of their mind is a wild overreach of power and an affront to the personal liberty of the innocent.

    I strongly disagree with the concept that “I was a witness to a rape, but I shouldn’t have to tell a court what I saw because my right to shut up is more important than the right of the state and victim to get justice or for the right of the defense to have a fair trial.”

  • No one says 10 pm or midnight is the evening.

    See this is interesting because I use the words “evening” and “night” interchangeably. I’m from (broadly) northern Ohio.

    If I’m greeting someone, “good morning” is from the time I wake up until noon, “good afternoon” from noon until the sun goes down or it’s 7pm or so, and “good evening” at any other time. It could be 3am, and if I’m meeting someone, I’d say “good evening.”

    “Good night” is when you’re leaving. “Have a good night.” But night time is when it’s dark and evening is generally the same time.

  • it is important to remember that in the US a lot of people never get the care and we still have massively long wait lines unless we can afford to be first in line

    This is really important for non-Americans to understand. Yeah there are waits to see specialists and so forth in countries with a public system. We also have waits…but it’s for people who can’t afford the procedure. They have to wait until they can afford it, and if they can’t they simply have to live with their condition indefinitely or until it’s bad enough that they go to the emergency room. People who are uninsured go to the emergency room for everything because, legally speaking, they can’t turn you away. They have to at least diagnose and stabilize you. Because these people are broke, they generally end up not paying the bill, which means everyone else’s costs go up.

    You couldn’t devise a worse system if you tried.

  • My personal horror story is that I took the time to make sure I went to an in-network hospital before I went to the ER for what ended up being an emergency appendectomy. The surgeon was in-network…for scheduled appendectomies. Emergencies were contracted out to a different organization who he was working for at the time, and that organization was not in network. So I got balance billed for it. I took the payment my insurance company gave me and sent it to him and said “look, I did all this research ahead of time and at no point did anyone ever tell me this would be out of network, so this is all you’re getting out of me.” They left it at that.

    In most developed countries, health care is rationed by need. In the US we ration by ability to pay. I would gladly pay more for worse service so long as care was rationed by need.

  • it sounds like no one else does either

    Maintaining a browser that doesn’t rely on someone else’s upstream code is quite an ordeal. Of the four main browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox), 3 are built by large for-profit enterprises and the other relies on money from a large for-profit enterprise. Browsers are very complex pieces of technology and can’t be maintained by 3 guys on GitHub in their spare time.