• 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I wish that was all she needed to do, but Trump is still a slight favorite in a lot polls that account for how the electoral college votes will be divided.

    She can’t just stay on message, she needs to drive a lot of turn out in very specific parts of the nation because, sadly, the American president isn’t picked by the majority of voters.

    Republicans often win the electoral college and lose the popular vote.

  • I’m of two minds on this. I feel like this is a little bit of undemocratic action that is in service of preventing much more massive undemocratic action from happening.

    1. Stein’s candidacy, with Trump on the ballot, is a risk to democracy. She’s not on all the ballots, the odds of her winning are basically impossible, and she can only really help the guy who attempted a coup.
    2. If the state guided the Greens to use the form without county names, removing them from the ballot for this technically is pretty petty and arguably undemocratic.

    We need ranked choice voting nationally.