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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • Why the pearl clutching over a child in the house? The person even goes as far as arranging possible cover from the in-laws. Even if they didn’t, it is a child and not a ticking time bomb. Obvious idiots getting blind drunk or tripping balls into the next dimension aside, an experienced tripper in a safe environment (ie their home) would be able to handle themselves fine.

  • Peer review isn’t an infallible process, it has been shown to be super susceptible to cronyism for example, and even outside of it churns out a vast array of (mostly) useless unreproducible, or sometimes even entirely fraudulent, research. I don’t even have a problem with the former part, research is actually a lot more tinkering and trial based than some set-in-stone endeavour and it certainly wouldn’t hurt the good Ms Sparado to remember that.

    I am paraphrasing the post from memory but it came across extremely gatekeepy and condescending with the “but have you conducted double blind trials like I have?” (or sentiments to that effect) as if those are the only valid ways of conducting research. Not even a slight sign of humility in how much researchers and academics have got wrong themselves and maybe to use that as an example in caution when doing your own research.

  • Right, because professional researchers and academics have never been blinkered by biases or had financial motives to publish certain things or the fact that most published research is unreproducible horseshit. I don’t need a meta-analyses and cross corroborated studies to know something works for me despite all the published reasons that say it shouldn’t (or vice versa). Pathetic attempt at gatekeeping IMO completely forgetting that most research is in fact based on tinkering and trial & error. Professional researchers are not magically immune to human biases and fallacies, case in point thalidomide, trans fats, “heart healthy” seed oils etc etc.

  • Ahhh an Aussie, your state mandated levels of Stockholm syndrome towards your nanny state will never allow you to open your eyes to any other possibilities. Again with the word ‘free’, I don’t think you quite understand how much you pay through your arse for so little. If you think the UK has good healthcare or is something to brag about, you truly are lost my friend.

  • Born and brought up in the UK. Don’t come from a disadvantaged background nor did I live in a poor area. Worked and paid taxes almost all my grown life like a good little momo. Our system (socialised healthcare) may work somewhat on the national level but it sucks at the individual level. To be clear, I am not against socialised healthcare but to pretend we are blessed by it free of cost or that it works wonders (OP I replied to originally) is the height of lunacy or huffing fairy dust. Many benefits we (Europeans) receive are in fact paid for through our noses and pretending it is some benevolent government’s doing is not doing anyone any favours.

  • Have you actually lived anywhere in Europe or are you just guessing from the other side of the fence? Do you have any idea how much we have to pay through our noses for useless medical insurance that leaves you waiting 3-4 weeks to see a mf GP when it is your turn and has people dying on waiting lists.

    I’m not advocating for a USA style system, but the momo above you makes it sound like Europe (western part anyway) is some sort of utopia.