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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • If someone owns a billion dollar company (based on the price of their shares of stock) we call them a billionaire but they might not have very much money in cash (say a few million).

    And yet…

    The moment shares are used as a source of value to leverage, they should be taxed on that assessed value. Because this is also how so many of the wealthy can get away with “$0 income” - they are “paid” in shares, then turn around and use those shares to get loans from the bank to pay their living expenses. They essentially leverage shares for tax-free income.

    If any and all leverage on shares are taxed on that assessed leverage, the Parasite Class would no longer have any way to shield their obscene wealth from taxation.

  • But are you older than token ring?

    Considering that token ring was first released by IBM almost exactly a decade after TCP (which I was very specific about - TCP specifically, not TCP/IP), then I would most definitely say yes, I am very much older than token ring.

    Token ring was introduced as a low-cost networking option for smaller offices that did not require the use of (at the time) fiendishly expensive switching and routing equipment. If you wanted to hook a bunch of machines together into a network and had no need for external access, you quite literally needed only the cabling and the cards that were installed in the computers. No hubs. No switches. Nothing else.

    Of course, using token ring also allowed techs to engage in shenanigans such as - when the ring was broken in some way - getting a junior tech to crawl around on the floor looking for the break and the token that fell out of it, to stuff it back into the cable. Sometimes we even did that with particularly difficult customers.

  • Almost all guns that can cause hearing damage (with repeated firing) without a silencer are still going to cause hearing damage despite that silencer.

    It just takes a few more shots to accumulate the same level of auditory damage.

    That’s how loud shots are despite the action of silencers. Silencers exist to protect your hearing when you likely only need to fire off one or two shots at most… with such few shots you can avoid the conspicuousness of hearing protection while getting that hit done.

  • rekabis@lemmy.catohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    15 days ago

    The moment your hair cells leave the pores on the skin of your head

    Even before that. You pull a hair out, and if that specific hair follicle was still growing you should see a teeny-tiny bulb at the very end. That bulb can be up to a mm beneath the skin. The widest part of that bulb is where the hair cells begin dying and drying out. By the time it shrinks down to the width of the rest of the hair (and long before it emerges from the pore), all the cells in that section are dead. Only the base of the bulb has living, growing hair cells.

  • rekabis@lemmy.catohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    15 days ago

    As long as that’s her own hair, I think that is hella nifty. It says she had the personal discipline to grow her hair out, but then also wanted the option for switching back and forth between long and short hair on her own schedule, and not tied to her follicular performance.

    If it’s not, it’s just as superficial and fake as any other hair extension.

    And I would say this about anyone, not just women. Hell, if I could do the same with my beard in a way that actually looked decent and would not be widely ridiculed, I would seriously consider it. Because just like long hair, while any mountain man can sport a scraggly mess, a good beard takes years of discipline to grow into a well-coiffed mane.

  • rekabis@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zonePoorly socialized rule
    18 days ago

    they are allowed to express their femininity and I’m not.

    A man expressing masculinity? “That’s violently toxic!”

    A man expressing femininity? “That’s disgustingly pathetic!”

    Now that I’ve matured I hate the system that keeps me oppressed

    Except… who reinforces those oppressive rules?

    It ain’t men, that’s for sure. We just passively submit and nod our heads yes to whatever women say, least we are painted with the same brush by association, and be labelled misogynistic or “not a man” for disagreeing.

  • The fact that the deceased man had his hands and feet tied at the time of his death has led many in the public, including investigators, to treat the death as murder.

    So, not immediately being dismissed as a suicide?


    Belgian investigators might actually be rubbing more than two functional neurons together, and are realizing how stupid they would look if they actually punted the suicide angle.

    Officials, however, continue their illustrious tradition of running entirely functional-neuron-free.

  • rekabis@lemmy.catoPolitical Memes@lemmy.world"The Newspaper of Record"
    23 days ago


    The aspects of a day are assigned to the quarters of the day in the same way as the seasons of the year are broken up between the solstices and the equinoxes.

    Ergo, as it is for a year:

    • winter: winter solstice to spring equinox
    • spring: spring equinox to summer solstice
    • summer: summer solstice to fall equinox
    • fall: fall equinox to winter solstice

    So is it for a day:

    • night: midnight to 6am
    • morning: 6am to noon
    • afternoon: noon to 6pm
    • evening: 6pm to midnight

  • I have a massive wingspan:weight ratio, so I always have to choose between sleeves being long enough on a shirt that’s 4x too big, or sleeves that end 3 inches short on a shirt that mostly fits.

    So you look like you just sauntered out of Auschwitz?


    You’re the reason why most shirts don’t fit me. I hate “slim fit” shirts, and anything fashionable is so slim fit you would have trouble fitting it over a skeleton or a 1,000-year-old Sahara-desiccated corpse. Why is your kind so common that the marketplace gets flooded with clothing that can only fit a famine victim?

    And I’m not obese in the least. I just have a 50-inch chest with a 36-inch waist. I have pecs, not some wafer-thin slabs of barely-there muscle that would have trouble bench-pressing an onion scape.

    About the only thing that fits me are 2XL tops that are regular or relaxed fit. Even jackets have gotten into the “reverse-vanity-sizing” madness that has recently beset Canada, with many “size 50” suit jackets really being a size 46 or even a 44.

