If the lemmy devs implemented AI I’d assume it would be controllable by the instance maintainers. Instances that dont want it should be able to disable it. If thats not an option I’m sure someone would fork it and remove all the AI stuff.
If the lemmy devs implemented AI I’d assume it would be controllable by the instance maintainers. Instances that dont want it should be able to disable it. If thats not an option I’m sure someone would fork it and remove all the AI stuff.
Yeah it just takes a second to buffer then starts playing. Much nicer than waiting for the full video download.
Just recently found out MPV has yt-dlp support. mpv [URL]
mytimeisveryimportanttomeandiwillnotwasteitwith anyunnecessarypunctuationcapitalizationorspaces
Just jump on and hope you hit the bullseye
This is the Human Instrumentality project?
I think they serve the ads from the same domain so DNS blocking wont work. And I heard they are testing baking the ads into the actual video.
I wish we could have gotten the volcano in Falador.
You throw your phone at someone like a pokeball and capture them.
You wouldn’t download a human.
Trying to obtain Remote Thought Execution.
Facebook was the real gateway drug this whole time.
We have a coffee machine that runs on linux.
Does the facebook marketplace have an onion link?
The firefox reader mode button doesn’t show up for me on that site. I wonder if its just a poor site or if they are intentionally trying to break it.
If you leave your speakers on 100% all the time you’re just asking for it.
Welp we’re screwed. I guess go back to IRC until the AI invade that too.