I was also banned because I called nazi to a nazi (he was saying some sht about venezuelan and Colombian people in a south American subreddit, not even a US one)
I was also banned because I called nazi to a nazi (he was saying some sht about venezuelan and Colombian people in a south American subreddit, not even a US one)
Dude, who is gonna kill you in this case?
I agree with you at some extent. As you say, maybe a different channel for politics, tech, etc.
Wow. Calm down omg. This is not a witch hunting.
Don’t you think for a second that talking like this is indicative of extremism, polarization, even fanatism? It is ok to take political posture, but this is excessive
I disagree with Lunduke videos, specailly when he tried to bork Rust as a bad language without knowing single shit of rust programming. But if he was left wing we weren’t having this conversation. People from moderate right should be excluded? I’m not talking about Lunduke here, but In general.
I should be an idiot. I dont see a direct relationship between race and sexual orientation. Even if the PR was rejected because a pronounce how the hell this is white supremacist?
Under that POV stop using Volkswagen because Hitler invented it.
You really need job regulations. In my country if you gonna fire someone you have to pay a lot of money, this way companies think twice.
Well, bones heal if there are some love from your close community members for a time.
I don’t know a lot of happy people, a lot of them uses fake masks to cover all the shit. Not my close family or friends at least…
This post brings me amounts of peace.
Sorry, oh the irony is rich.