• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • How much easier it’s gotten and most of what you download nowadays is usually exactly what you’re looking for. In the 90’s/00’s, alot of what was pirated had the potential to just be total BS or mislabeled, so you were never entirely certain what it was you were getting. I think Madonna had even gotten into it and released a one of her own albums as a fake download with her telling the listener “What the fuck are you doing?” At the time I mostly got music, though the Dreamcast pirating scene was pretty big for me for awhile. I think anymore though I’m probably more interested in obscure RPG books now.

    I think with torrenting, there’s a certain amount of trust that’s inherent with some torrents by virtue of the number of downloads/seeders there are on a torrent. At least for me, I can assume, ok, there’s 100 people seeding this thing, chances are this is exactly what it says it is, otherwise this many people wouldn’t be still seeding it (you can fool some people some of the time, or something like that). I don’t pirate nearly as often as I did when I was younger, but now I feel the need to use protection (via a VPN) because you just don’t know who might be watching. In my entire time having pirated stuff over multiple decades, I had only ever gotten a single letter from my ISP, so it’s not something that I ever felt particularly afraid of, but you never know and it’s better to be safe about that stuff.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOrganized Left
    10 days ago

    That sounds like something somebody would say if they knew absolutely nothing about the Left (or were just trying to scare/motivate their own base). The Left are ok-ish at organizing when they’re motivated enough, but they can barely agree on anything and will find any excuse to get into a fight with each other. You’ve got people on the Left willing to virtue-signal about Israel, vote third party and lose the presidency to Trump, a candidate who would make things demonstrably worse for Palestinians and would likely increase aid to Israel and remove any lukewarm constraints that the current administration is limp-wristidly raising. Meanwhile, Republicans will overlook any of the hundreds of things wrong with their candidate and compromise any values they’ve had, just to elect the biggest shit stain in history because they know he’ll make the other side feel bad.

  • I think if a third party were deeply serious about wanting to establish a viable political movement. They’d try building up at the local level first, the presidency should be one of the last steps of becoming “legitimate”, the unsexy local elections are where you build up support at being treated as a serious political movement. Instead, most current third party runs tend to feel like either spoiler campaigns and/or vanity campaigns, where I’m not even sure what good it would do them on the miraculous chance they happened to win the presidency, since third parties in general don’t have much presence in Congress. There’s like four “independent” members of Congress right now, good luck getting any of your third party platform initiatives done with likely no Congressional support.