• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I’ve literally got no idea what you’re talking about or what your point is. Are you saying this person hasn’t committed a crime? Because that’s incorrect. Lots of jurisdictions have laws preventing things like CSAM generated imagery, deepfake porn and a whole raft of other things. ‘Harm’ doesn’t begin and end with something done to an individual for a lot of crimes.

  • The purpose of a game is to play a game through a series of objectives and challenges.

    Even if I grant you that the purpose of viewing CSAM is to see child abuse

    Very curious to hear what else you think the purpose of watching CSAM might be.

    it’s still less bad than actually abusing them

    “less bad” is relative. A bad thing is still bad. If we go by length of sentencing then rape is ‘less bad’ than murder. that doesn’t make it ‘not bad’.

    so implying that viewing such content would increase the cases of child abuse is an assumption I’m not willing to make either.


    I didn’t claim that AI CSAM increased anything at all. Literally all I’ve said is that the purpose of AI generated CSAM is to watch kids being abused.

    Neither did I claim that violent games lead to violence. You invented that strawman all by yourself.

  • Depending on what part of the world these people live in, the actions of these vigilantes might screw up the chance of a successful prosecution.

    I’m in the UK and I remember watching a copper interviewed on the the TV asking people not to do it as a lot of the time it results in inadmissible evidence and might even give pedos chance to delete evidence. I think he also said he was aware of multiple instances of the pedo-hunters getting the wrong person at the ‘sting’.

    That said, I doubt these pedo-hunters really care about abused kids, it seems mostly about bragging rights and youtube views.

  • No, they’re not just assholes. If they were just that, nobody would give a shit. I understand what you think they’re doing and I understand why you think it’s a good thing. As I said to someone else, there’s literally no way for anyone to summarise everything. You can either watch it or not, I can’t make you.

    It’s an oddity of the whole situation that 90% of the ‘ordinary’ members of TST are good people who want good things, but the owners of TST (and they are the owners, TST is also a registered business as well as a tax-exempt religion) are really not and they have absolute control over it.