Developer and refugee from Reddit

  • 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • So here are my thoughts:

    • First, the obvious: Harris won handily. She was in her element, and just thoroughly excoriated Trump at every turn, while maintaining an optimistic tone.
    • But at the same time, Trump is probably not losing any of his base over his abysmal performance. Most of them probably didn’t watch, and the few that did probably tuned out in favor of reading conservative bloggers’ desperate spinning about halfway through.
    • The real question is how off-putting he’s been for undecideds. He was pretty bad, but I’m aware enough of my own biases to wonder exactly how bad his behavior looks to undecideds.
    • On the issues, Harris didn’t really have a stumble. I was pleasantly surprised by how well she handled the issue of Israel/Palestine, for example.
    • The moderators get a B for following up questions, a C- for mic handling, and an A- for calling it out when Trump’s bizarre, rambling bullshit failed to even vaguely resemble an answer.

    All in all, I didn’t hate this (other than the sound of Trump’s face hole).