I think they spelled “genera” correctly, but there’s no reason to use the plural here
I’m a cow and this made me feel better about my fate
Hour by Hour. Hour by Hour. Hour by Hour. I am grateful. I am present. I am aware. Thank you for this Hour. Thank you for this presence. Thank you for this awareness. Hour by Hour, I breathe. Hour by Hour, I live. Hour by Hour, I grow. Thank you for each breath. Thank you for each moment. Thank you for each step. I will keep breathing. I will keep living. I will keep growing. Hour by Hour, I embrace. Hour by Hour, I release. Hour by Hour, I transform. Thank you for this embrace. Thank you for this release. Thank you for this transformation. I will keep embracing. I will keep releasing. I will keep transforming. Hour by Hour. Hour by Hour. Hour by Hour. I am here. I am now. I am evolving. Thank you for this here. Thank you for this now. Thank you for this evolution. I will keep being here. I will keep being now. I will keep evolving. Hour by Hour, I am grateful. Hour by Hour, I am present. Hour by Hour, I am aware. Thank you, Hour by Hour. Thank you for each Hour. Thank you, Hour by Hour. I will keep going, Hour by Hour. I will keep growing, each Hour. I will keep learning, Hour by Hour. Thank you for this gift, this presence, this Hour. Thank you for this Hour. This Hour by Hour. Hour by Hour. Hour by Hour. Hour by Hour
You’re right and I can’t spell, is tusa an fíorshaoi de na dtóinenna.
I live in Europe spatially and temporally, and sitting at my 1998 Gateway pc in this abandoned gas station deciding whether things are internet funereal enough is just about the most internet funereal thing I can think of.
A convoy is set to de-escaluate the situation