Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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  • 13 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • Well, reading up on the modlog, the things that were removed were riddled with rhetoric. Try to leave the judgement out of your words and you‘ll probably have a better time.

    Even the post you made to complain about it is problematic. Not everyone here is a native english speaker. Even those might not have the will to read through your four line long sentence.

    Also, me joining the apple fanbois club and telling them why apple is not great just does not make sense. Same goes for veganism or any other thing people like. Critical discussions are for the broader fields, not the „fan convention“.

  • And I‘m with you on needing a phone that works. Sadly, wishing it were in that place right now doesnt help. On the other hand neither does just jumping in the deep end.

    With open source stuff, real people need to help out, either with work (eg testing) or with money, because the „build company, make open source thing, profit“ doesnt really work that way. Companies like pine64 deserve to be flush with money because they actually care to make something thats ours.

    So yes, I also have a main phone for work atm while tinkering with the postmarketOS phone until I deem it stable enough for daily use.

    And thats what I suggest to people who are willing and have at least one old phone they cant or dont use anymore.

    P.s.: the fact that there are this many distinct phones that do at least boot while they are barely able to pay one person for dev work is actually great news.

  • I agree on all points but the last.

    Over two hundred phones have been ported to postmarketOS and every person giving it a shot will improve it. Together with grapheneOS, there are huge possibilities to mix a phones versatility with the freedom of linux. Combined with manufacturers like fairphone and pine64, phones also become more easily repairable.

    The issue currently is that we have become ver accustomed to phones being very polishe. a lot of folks dont appreciate the free and open source phones and OSs due to their freakishly expensive, subscription ridden devices being optimized better.

    If tech interested folks would default to repairable phones and open OSs, we would make a considerable jump towards being mainstreamable.

    I‘m not saying people are at fault. Its just the way it currently is. We‘re seeing big improvements. I hope this continues.

  • Okay, thanks for elaborating.

    I agree. There are many selfish people out there. But they dont live in a vacuum. In a world where you have the repsonsibility for your surroundings, many people could rise to the occasion. Also, if a water pipe breaks in front of my home and you decide to vote against fixing it together, what do you think will happen to you, either when you need help or if I‘m vindictive, sooner?

    We dont have anything to compare our living conditions to because we have never lived any different than now. We dont attempt to test self governed communities. What do you think why that is?

    One hint that shows me that it works are coops. They work without central oversight because its not the oversight that makes us interact but our own intellect.

  • Thats a really good question! Thank you.

    This idea is part of a larger premise so I‘d need to establish a VERY different reality that most of us live in now. Funny enough, your point of people acting out of pure self interest is one part that would go first because these people would not survive the world I‘m imagining.

    Federation is part of anarchism and in most interpretations I‘ve heard and read so far, communities would work for their shared benefit so of course you fix your neighbors roof, otherwise they will not help you in the future.