Sure. But ur post aint shit. It’s a good post.
Sure. But ur post aint shit. It’s a good post.
Are you using an app, or a website UI, if so the default one or one of the many others?
Who is titler?
I’ve honestly found signal better than matrix.
Matrix is just not there yet in terms of features UI etc and is less private than signal because it collects way more metadata and stuff. I know the idea of federation is cool, but Signal works better for the privacy aspect.
Why is this in the shitpost comm?
Love your new art style
Truly a shit post. Congrats
I know someone who deliberately misanlysed data in a study that led to an entire patient group getting denied disability benefits because his study showed the condition is “curable” (it isn’t). (His study was funded by the government department paying disability benefits and private disability insurances, of course).
Did he get what he deserved? No, he got knighted by the Queen, is serving on the board of the NHS, and is an insider with the ruling class.
I’m sorry you experienced gaslighting. Fuck that doctor for misinformation they said…
But yeah shitty doctors tend to just blame it on depression because they are too lazy to learn about something new.
If you need a community — I have found by far my favourite community to be the forum. A lot of researchers are there — the vibe is generally nice. And people have a generally good scientific background so it’s not full of people recommending random unproven shit and claiming all sorts of unproven BS.
They are so based
Apart from claiming long COVID is hysteria or exercise and raw milk will magically fix it, the new right wing gimmick is saying Long COVID is caused by the vaccines…
Yep! Even large swaths of the medical field are ignoring it.
We had psychiatrists claiming it was mass hysteria until fairly recently.
Some people with long COVID are confined to their beds with lifelong damage, some are even tubefed, or have lost the ability to speak.
We gotta start taking this seriously instead of erasing it!
That’s the most Swiss german thing ever. MSG galore.
As a swiss person “Hershey” is not choclate — it is a candy.
Agreed. Fuck amazon.
Nah they used a leeching client. No upload at all.
Advertising !
Sorry I’ll let someone more knowledgeable answer about metadata, but signal does allow you to set a username and hide your phone number (so people add you with username instead if f number)