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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “B-b-but he wasn’t convicted!”

    Ayo, if you want to run for office, try not to even be fucking insurrection-adjacent. Then it’s not even a question. This clown pushed the boundaries of the law until they broke, and now wants to say he should just be given a free pass. No. He could have coasted and told his supporters to go home, and blamed Biden for making lemonade poison. They would have made him even more of a golden idol. Instead, he fucked around, and now has court cases out the ass to find out with.

    What an absolute loser.

  • They actually don’t have time. The first of the primary caucuses happen in less than a month. You’re talking about putting a full slate of unvetted candidates in front of a national primary with less than a month before voters would have to choose.

    The Democrats made an error. They thought the Republicans surely would nominate someone else. They didn’t know Trump would quote Hitler a few days ago. They’re trying to run in an election with an incumbent. That’s how the parties have operated since… maybe the beginning. I don’t know that I know of a time when an eligible incumbent presidential candidate didn’t run. Maybe Washington?

    Democrats are making the same mistake that voters are. They’re treating Trump like a beatable candidate, and expecting voters to act rationally. But yet, we see people saying the same irrational thing you are, that it’s better to sit out and let Trump get elected again than it is to vote for a milquetoast candidate like Biden. That’s it’s better for the worst evil to be elected than to vote for the lesser evil. It’s irrational. And yet, here we are, with someone thinking that the Dems can spin up a national primary for couple hundred million people in a couple of weeks.