Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • As a former 0352, you need to fire the javelin from the CLU for any of the special javelin sauce to work. There is no “firing” of this missile in the traditional sense once it’s out of its tube. Firing it as intended would probably be the most effective option, however you need line of site to engage with that weapons system. Using a drone to deliver the explosive portion of the missile allows for Ukrainian troops to stay out of direct line of site bc drone, so while less materially effective, prolly way more effective in terms of Ukrainian lives which is what matters most.

    Part of my soul is sad to know that little guy won’t be able to live out his *PHUNK* *KAWWWOOOOSSSHHHH* *KABOOM* dreams, but if he gets to kill some invaders, save some Ukrainians, and is happy then I’m happy. Better than getting teased by trying to bracket camels and taking bets on whether it would track.

  • I feel you. Like 10 years ago I was trying to figure out the best way to let some friends know when pirated media hit the share i gave them access to. Some had discord, some didn’t, some had slack, some didn’t. Everyone could view tweets back then, even without an account, and the application I was using had twitter webhooks built in.

    I made an account and used it solely for webhooks tweeting out what movies and shows hit the server, and what format/resolution they were. Everything was fine for a few months, then I upgraded servers and didn’t bother transferring over my media collection bc I was broke back then and needed to reuse the drives, and didn’t have enough extra space to back the media content up to anywhere. I figured that since I had something like 7Gbps symmetrical (technically shared with an apartment building but I had my own queue) I’d just redownload my terabytes of shit ezpz.

    Welp, it was ezpz, all except getting banned by twitter because I was posting at some insane rate, as every download of individual episodes of random tv shows from the 90s completed.

  • I followed that link fully prepared to watch the entire hour and a half video. I guess it has to be some YouTube conceit, but holy fuck that person narrating needs to fucking talk like a normal person. It sounds like they recorded a bunch of single lines, then spliced them all in like voiceovers in post, but it’s every single sentence. Or maybe they’re trying to talk like the text to speech TikTok voice?

    Bros just saying some arbitrary factoid and sounds like he’s doing the overdub for a 90’s movie trailer.

  • So maybe should just get comfortable policy-wise with turning away passengers fucked in passengers at the gate.

    A two drink maximum doesn’t stop me from snorting a fistful of ket in the cab, getting 1-2 drinks after security, then going ballistic during the flight. Getting turned away at the gate because I’m obviously kholed does stop me though.

    The thing that works the best might cost Ryanair some money though, and we obviously can’t have that, won’t someone please think of the profits?