Users per day is a bit too volatile - it’s showing 2/day atm - so the bot uses Users per Week. Also, the data is from a crawler, so there’s a bit of lag, and it can end up picking up on activity that’s already been and gone.
Users per day is a bit too volatile - it’s showing 2/day atm - so the bot uses Users per Week. Also, the data is from a crawler, so there’s a bit of lag, and it can end up picking up on activity that’s already been and gone.
nearly there
A few more to reach thread cut off
Apologies to anyone browsing by ‘New Comments’, but I’m using this old post for a bit of cheeky testing in production.
Paging myself:
Paging another local user:
Paging a remote user on a different instance:
Paging a remote user on this instance:
Paging the OP of this post:
Testing user mention: paging
It’ll feature naturally in a bit (the bot tries to measure trends over the previous 7 days, and that community was only created a few days ago).
Edited to remove hexbear@hexbear
and add it to the filtered communities (and remove main@hexbear
from filtered communities, which I’d mistakenly thought was their meta one).
There you go, ! has finally appeared!