Does it ever bother you that this place is full of nitwits and trolls, many of whom make Reddit seem civilized and well-managed by comparison?
Yeah, me neither.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • Not a slur. Not even close.

    What it is is an omnipresent, versatile, variable, nuanced word, that someone apparently started using “politically” like fifteen fucking minutes ago - I don’t see that as a compelling reason to hustle to change my lexicon, and wouldn’t advise anyone else to do it either. It is literally playing into their dogshit tactics: “validating their view” is, respectfully, not a good argument if we’re talking about the American right which I’m going out on a limb and assuming we are. This is because their “view” (like many of their imitators) is “I will bitch about everything I can possibly pretend to take offense at, or else make something up”. Therefore, allowing them to dictate your vocabulary (extremely and intentionally hypocritically, between the incessant bitching about “political correctness”) seems like a losing or at least pointlessly annoying proposition. You are playing chess with a pigeon, it will shit on the board and strut around like it’s won.

    If they didn’t want to be called “weird”:

    1. Maybe they shouldn’t have been weird

    2. Maybe they shouldn’t be whinging about it from the #1 spot on the podium of irrelevant namecalling and shit-flinging kindergarten/zoo tactics.

    3. Tough shit lol

    4. GOTO 3

  • The Harry Potter main series, for which I have a major case of nostalgia. I’ll happily and accurately slag JKR off for being a dimwit with terribly stupid opinions, who would need to be both smarter and more committed to make her “make it up as you go along” worldbuilding make any sort of sense at all. Which, bluntly, it doesn’t.

    But considering how much of a turnip she is, parts of her worldbuilding is strangely compelling while others fail basic self-consistency.