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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I’m purely about individual liberties for all individuals.

    That makes me absolutely centrist, and in defiance of the societal definitions of the word “libertarian”, I’m using it in that specific context.

    If you’ve got a better term, lay it on me :)

  • That sounds like it’s exactly the point…

    Normally I’d chalk your comment up as being a little too “tinfoil hat” to warrant engaging, but half the article implies exactly that, and I don’t think the author was doing it on purpose because quite frankly, I don’t think there are any news authors left with the competence to do so.

    This is 100% some shit I’d expect to come out of the red team though… The Biden administration hasn’t struck me as being on the side of corporate interests (generally speaking… I’m not naive enough to think the Biden administration couldn’t be bought, I’m speaking to track record here…), and I don’t think this would impact tax revenue much, which is to say that there’s not much ulterior motivation for blues to trump up a bullshit problem to keep Chinese cars out of the market.

    I’m inclined to agree with your opinion, but logically it doesn’t add up, is my point :)

  • Attachment to either party is waning among younger voters. A plurality (41%) of them call themselves independents.

    I swear this is a generational thing. Silent Gen were rebellious bastards, boomers were not, gen x are rebellious bastards, millennials are not, gen z going with being rebellious bastards totally checks out .

    My old gen x ass is 100% with you my little dudes/dudettes… Gotta fight for your right to party ;)

  • Regardless of where you stand on the matter of trump-putin, this has been the narrative for almost a decade, so trotting it back out kinda seems a little tired.

    It’s also a little silly that even with all the dragging this shit back out to beat a dead ass horse, there’s zero mention of trump, in an interview, claiming he’d end the Russia Ukraine issue overnight… I’d personally say that’s of much greater relevance than trying to subtly imply financial relations or even the little hint of blackmail she went for.

    There’s only one way you end that shit overnight… You hand Ukraine over to Russia.

    There’s plenty of people that wouldn’t vote for that… You wanna talk trump-putin in an attempt to influence votes, that’s the sound bite ya want.

  • Ultimately, what I’m asking you is: why would I be opposed to a law that itself is 100% fine, just because the same legislators might later pass a different law that I don’t like?

    Ultimately because the basic premise of the law could (in general) be the basis for the government to remove our entire conversation here…

    It is potentially a tool to do this

    In 1984, the government rewrites history and uses a multitude of techniques that trick you into accepting things that are not true as being true.

    I don’t object for the sake of my my benefit, I object for the sake of yours (everyone).

    I see it a one degree increment on the proverbial frog in the proverbial pot, being slowly but surely brought to boil and it’s death, and I don’t really care who it affects in the moment.