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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • Don’t fucking fly.

    Not bc climate change, but bc no human has ever gotten off a commercial flight. and been in the best possible condition to face whatever they were flying to.

    People are miserable, and concentrated in a small space they’re doubly so. Add to that convincing security theatre puppets that my CPAP is actually medical equipment, and that no, the meds that make sleep possible are not prohibited (liquid max be damned)… Hell with that.

    I can get from my driveway to Chicago Union Station in two hours or less from my driveway. The LSL can have me in Albany ~12h later. Given that I was forced to make that trip quarterly in a past life, trying to fly WN would have forced me to go via BWI or ATL and taken the same damn amount of time all considered, with lots more stress.

    Train gave me a decent sleeper car for less than plane fare for the two of us, even on WN. I arrived ready to get to work, versus a lil jet lagged and angry at people in general. Yeah, train was a no brainer.

    Obviously not an option on all routes, but worked well for me.

    • A Long December (Counting Crows)

    • Soul Asylum’s cover of Rhinestone Cowboy.

    The former is ever relevant, the latter is somehow both a total reimagining of the song and true to the original.

    Yeah, I date myself with both of those. Yeah, I was probs in HS for both of them.

    That, and Good Riddance / Time of your Life (Greenday). I understand it was supposed to be a sarcastic dig at a woman. But that’s not how audiences largely heard it, and it became the legit, totally unironic anthem of a certain generation that I am abs not a part of.

    Also… There’s a completely random punk band no one but me has ever heard of (Ruth Ruth), and their album Laughing Gallery has been by my side at some of my lowest points over the years. Wish I could let 'em know the impact they had in making sure I pushed through some of the worst periods.

  • You’re 100% correct on principle. The problem is that given our electoral system, third parties end up taking votes from viable candidates, and we end up with terrifying people running things.

    We can’t change the electoral system, because we’ve never actually had an Article V convention (Constitutional Convention) so we don’t know what would happen there. We’d get an entirely new constitution, and it would not be a better one. You’ve probably seen how dysfunctional our republicans are, I’m not about to let them tear up e.g., my right to free speech or a fair trial.

    Given the current makeup of the Supreme Court, what would come out of that convention would be provide zero protections for anything.

    But yes, we need third parties. I just don’t see a plausible way to get them without taking on an amount of risk that most people aren’t willing to take.

  • Seconded - I spent maybe $30 on the journal (might be a knockoff, but it works) and intentionally got one with card slots as well. No carrying a wallet required, self-contained, and when I think of something to do/search/etc it goes in there immediately.

    I started with Midori notebooks in A5, and realized I love the paper, but the binding just didn’t work for the way I write. Switched to Rhodia spiral bound 80gsm and haven’t looked back. Wouldn’t call myself “organized” per se, but far more than I ever have been and I no longer lose the random things I think of. or end up with 500 notes on my phone and no idea what’s in each.