• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Everyone has problems man. Nothing is a Utopia, but there are better systems. And I get my opinions from articles that I’ve read. They are readily available on search engines and compare and contrast US vs Western Europe, which is what we’re objectively talking about when comparing.

    No, I’ve not lived in Europe but my mother’s side of the family is German so I do talk to actual people who live there.

    Edit: You only have to wait 3-4 weeks?! Try waiting 7-8 months, bud. That’s to see a general fucking practitioner! Then pay over $100/visit until you meet your deductible with good insurance.

  • Dude, I’m American and even I know they get more time off, get paternity and maternity leave, can take more vacations, have better transit, pay less in health insurance. They have enough disposable income to do the things we do, but don’t have to worry about the other bullshit as much. Nothing they get is “free”, and they know this, but they don’t have to think twice about using the services.

  • Totally agree! The drug companies are fucking scum bag shit lords. Hell, I used to work in preclinical pharma testing for 11 years at a Charles River Labs company so I know what goes into a lot of this.

    I just worry about someone then taking something else, or getting prescribed another med, without consulting a professional and there is a nasty interaction and now there’s an ER visit or flat out death. I don’t want people dying because they get complacent or make a mistake that could be avoided.

    The solution is really holding pharma to the coals, but I live in reality where it won’t happen. So here we are. 😢