Thing is. It was under Biden the US decided we where lucky enough to get american bases on our soil. I really don’t see much difference for people in the rest of the world.
I do however believe in democracy. Indirect democracy, where you vote for rulers, must have meaningful choices in order to be democratic.
I guess what I really am trying to say is. The rest of the world don’t have a say in who decides if we get trade deals or tanks in the streets.
And if USA was my country I would have a difficult time voting for someone so cruel. Even if he was the lesser evil. Because democracy is built on the notion that you have to believe in free choices.
Learning about other ways to live, act, think and perceive is important if you want to understand the world you live in.
More importantly, to you at least, if you want to change other people caught in said powerplay, you have to listen to them. Forcing them to listen to you, will only make them grab harder at their own beliefs.
And one could argue talking with out listening is a powerplay of its own.
Merry Christmas