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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • They keep doing monstrous things and it makes them look like monsters?

    Maybe stop doing those monstrous things.

    Israel isn’t looking to give up its mantle as the crybully champion of the world any time soon.

    If justifiable self-defence by Israel looks like 40,972+ dead Palestinians (mostly civilians as we know) in response to 1,478 dead Israelis, what would justifiable Palestinian self-defence look like? I’ll remind you that as a current or former member of the IDF, every Israeli adult is an enemy combatant.

  • My understanding is that it’s difficult to prevent kids from dying when you bomb every school, children’s hospital, aid center, and potential Palestinian you see.

    Maybe ease up on the genocide and warcrimes rather than crying there’s nothing you can do as you gleefully kill tens of thousands of people in a population that’s mostly children as you scream that they’re animals and you want a second bigger Amalek. Maybe don’t enforce an apartheid ethnostate, maybe don’t seize peoples’ land at gunpoint. Maybe as the global center of Judaism, you should showcase Jewish values rather than missile striking 4 day old newborns.

  • Police unions - what could possibly go wrong when the members of the arm of state power collectivise to exercise their collective power. The example you’ve selected speaks volumes about your sincerity and/or familiarity with the subject.

    Similarly, unchecked power wielded by divine mandate that never had an interest in structural checks. We couldn’t possibly bake such checks into a more democratic, less hierarchical governmental and economic system.

    You want to shit on the concept of democracy while you’re at it because of the current state of the US, champ?

  • It’s trivially easy to stoke that kind of fear and hate, manufacturing a loyal voter base that won’t look too closely at your policies, so the wealthy beneficiaries of GOP policy throw money at the narrative, the GOP runs with it, and suddenly a third of the population’s entire identity is built around the construction of a country-bankrupting wall to keep brown people ou- …pay no attention to the wall - now we’re banning musl- …migrant crime I call it Biden migrant crime… MS13…

  • There was also the fact that Hogan ratted out the wrestlers attempts to unionise, leading directly to the terrible working conditions that persist to this day… All because he liked being paid the most.

    There’s a lot more to it, but these examples should begin to paint a picture of the kind of guy he is.

  • What issues is the left actually coordinated on? The non-specific “weird” narrative. Access to reproductive healthcare maybe.

    Where is there meaningful dissent on the right?

    • It’s not the obvious “stolen” election bullshit

    • Even the Nazis are backing Israel

    • They’re fighting regulation of firearms

    • They’re all pushing for austerity broadly

    • They want to restrict immigration

    • They want to deregulate companies

    • They want to outlaw trans people

    • They broadly support Russia with a bit of surface-level sabre-rattling

  • They’re not unified, they’re unified …now?

    The fact that they have conflicting ideologies (e.g. Nazis and Zionists as I said below) and continue to push in the same direction is pretty straightforward evidence of this.

    The unification pre-dates Trump - the rise of the tea party saw ideological rifts, but they all fell in line when the time came. Bush wasn’t a charismatic strongman… nor was McConnell for that matter.