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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I did something like this once. I was meeting a friend at a bar and she was with another guy I never met. I had just moved back to the US from Germany, so she introduced me and said “he just moved here from Germany,” not realizing that it wasn’t clear I was American. So he starts asking me how I like it here etc, and I threw on a German accent and went with it (I speak some German too). I pretended that my English was a bit rough but could get by.

    We hung out for like two hours and then when I got ready to leave I dropped the accent and said in my normal Midwestern American voice “Ok cool to hang with you bro imma head out,” and left.

  • I have a kid and I feel this way.

    To be clear, I absolutely love my son and I’m glad I have him. But I also still feel like if I had decided not to have kids, I’d have been fine with it.

    It’s a different framing now though, of “Do you want a kid”, in the hypothetical, vs. “Would you be ok if you didn’t have [Insert your kid’s name here].” I’d be devastated if my son were not in my life. But I think I’d have been fine if I chose not to have a kid.