Counterintuitively, I try to do less. If I have 5 things to do today and can’t motivate myself to get started, I push all but 1 or 2 off until later. Then I know a nice, log break is waiting for me for the rest of the day if I finish those things. At that point, getting the one or two things done feels worthwhile, and it feels like there’s a reward for me at the end (goofing off guilt-free).
I mean, I wasn’t going to get all 5 things done today because I’m a procrastinator. But if I accept that and make the workload much lighter, can get a little done.
We fixed the glitch.
Chalupas (I think these are basically the same as their gorditas but with a fried shell)
And honestly their regular, basic beef soft tacos are pretty good, especially with some fire sauce (or whatever your preferred level of spice is).
Okay don’t actually do this
Thank you for this! I thought Firefox for Android was slow - nope, uBlock was just doing too much.
You may not like it, but Steve Minecraft is what peak performance looks like.
Like a bulldog eating custard.
Presidents of the United States of America - Peaches. Who wouldn’t want to see a musical comedy with ninjas?
Instant ramen. Or if I’m feeling fancy, ramen that takes 6 whole minutes to cook
I read that as “the tool to report websites is broken.”
Pretty much. I just enjoyed poking fun at how poorly they are using the meme.
It’s a joke.
Yes, but it’s an inferior breeze.
We call this a “load-bearing could.” Or, “could is doing a lot of work in that sentence.” I mean, sure, it could, in the same sense that angry ticks could fire out of my nipples.
When AI starts telling us how to efficiently manufacture these new materials, now that would be revolutionary. the relevant lyrics start around 1:06.
Yeah, it will help and it won’t. If you’re uploading through a typical cable internet connection, WiFi will almost never be the bottleneck. But if you’re streaming 4k in a part of your house that doesn’t have good coverage while other people use the same connection, it could make a difference.
I do a lot of streaming from my desktop to my TVs and I occasionally have bandwidth problems, so this could help that. And I have 300 up / 300 down fiber Internet, and in parts of my house I have problems getting anywhere close to that on WiFi. So WiFi 7 might help with those cases even if in the end your ISP is usually the bottleneck.
Something that helped me is setting smaller goals, like studying just a little before taking a break. If I ordinarily study for 0 minutes and screw around for an hour, I’d try to study for 5 minutes and screw around for 55 minutes. Smaller goals are more achievable and take the pressure off. Then you can build on that small success instead of feeling like it has to be all or nothing.
3dfx Voodoo 5 5500. I remember thinking it was so cool that it had 2 chips on the same board: