Dems aren’t allowed to say that because they are owned by the very same rich people lol
Dems aren’t allowed to say that because they are owned by the very same rich people lol
This is amazing. I’d love to see this. Probably wouldn’t pay, but I’d clap vigorously afterwards.
That’s true lol
History is exactly why I’m skeptical.
The USA is the world’s sole superpower and this is in their area of influence. It’s always about them when they get involved (as they have in 2002, 2013, 2017, and 2019, etc.).
It’s not really democracies vs dictators, it’s countries in the US’s sphere vs countries not in the US’s sphere. It becomes more obvious and easy to see then. The OAS has been a puppet of US interests since the beginning (there’s a reason they didn’t let Cuba in). It literally started by a pledge to fight communism in the western hemisphere. Basically, it’s the US empire and it’s puppets and allies vs a rising new order of old colonized and sanctioned countries, which admittedly looks scary, but hopefully will one day lead to a multipolar world where people can deal with their own local issues without worry of western interference (which has almost always been net bad for the people of those countries in the global south Asia, Africa, and South America).
Plenty of Democratic administrations have done coups and wars all over the world. It’s just a US empire policy, no matter who is President, mostly because of capitalism. Sure, conservatives are usually worse about it, but Democrats do it, too. Biden is supporting a genocide in Israel. McKinley fought the Philippines, Teddy Roosevelt in the Spanish American, JFK invaded Cuba and tried to coup it, Truman led the war in Korea and established a US puppet dictatorship in n the south for, JFK and LBJ were also involved in Vietnam, etc.
Not in the same period of time for the same level of development. And when it did, they accomplished it mostly through colonies and 1800’s imperialism.
I know someone in the US who is adamant Biden cheated, too. That’s not really evidence.
I mean, they seem to be for open markets and pro-Zionist, also more for Christians than indigenous, and against Chavez, who helped a lot of the poor in Venezuela. So far, she’s looking pretty conservative but I’m learning as I go along.
Isn’t the opposition conservative? If so, doubt it will be good for the people. I don’t know too much about the politics of Venezuela specifically, but I’ve never seen a conservative government benefit anyone but the rich long term.
Tbh, I’m embarrassed to say that I thought that people were run over by tanks until I saw someone arguing it on Lemmy and I went to look up accounts by Western reporters there at the time, including the guy who took the tank man picture. So even if the “tankie” instances are right on this subject, they probably shouldn’t ban people, but should disseminate correct information instead.
Shout out to !homevideo@feddit.uk
Thanks, I dislike that, too. The difference between this genocide and others, is that the US is directly involved in this one. Palestinian children are being killed by our bombs, dropped by equipment based on our technology, from deals we’ve given them, and ordered by politicians we are supporting. If the US wasn’t involved, I wouldn’t care as much. But they are. Blinken runs interference for them, defending Israel at every opportunity. We block resolutions against them in the UN. The press uses loaded language with Hamas and the passive voice with Israel caused tragedies and massacres. We promise retribution against the ICC if they prosecute Netanyahu (if you ever need proof we’re the baddies, look at that. Threatening vengeance against international court when they are trying to punish a genocide). Biden has gone around Congress to give stuff to Israel multiple times. They avoid applying any pressure to Israel to let in aid, instead using the vastly inefficient and more expensive failure of a pier. He keeps saying it’s not a genocide despite a bunch of other countries saying it is. They block news of bad things Israel does and actively lie about it. People in his administration have left over these things. I agree with you that the US should be less involved and not be the World Police. But you seem to think this means I want us to go in. If we were not involved, that would be a VAST improvement over the status of quo, of being involved in purely bad ways. At least if we weren’t involved, I wouldn’t feel responsible as an American in a democracy to use my vote to affect change in some way, to do good, agonizing over whether to vote for a “Hitler” because his holocaust is abroad and he’s got better domestic policies. I hate the DNC for putting those of us with a conscience in this position.
Now, this doesn’t mean I think people should vote for Trump. Maybe I should’ve emphasized that more. He’s obviously worse. But he’s not causing this right now, Biden is. So he’s a bad President. I can acknowledge he’s better than Trump on this and all other issues, and still criticize him for that.
I agree some explanation would be nice at least.
Any President who encourages a genocide is by definition a bad President I’m sorry to say. The ethnic cleansing campaign is already almost complete, all on his watch with his defending Israel and giving them weapons and cover in the UN and in public. Hell, he even lied about the reason on the debate (the one thing he lied about and Trump told the truth about lol). People should still feel free to vote for him, especially if you live in a swing state, but we shouldn’t minimize that millions of Gazans are currently refugees. I hope he fucking shapes up on this issue by November. I don’t want him to take all these votes for him as an endorsement of his pro genocide policies.
Ohio used to be a swing state, too, right? Not sure of it still is or if it isn’t, how that turned around. But maybe they should be in the list?
Right? I don’t remember seeing a debate or anything. It’s equivalent to those elections people make fun of in North Korea, where the choices are the leader and nobody.
Arrest you for protesting a genocide or trying to get an abortion? No, sorry, that’s something people in the US have to worry about when their government has their data, not China.
Considering our data is being bought and sold by US companies to whoever I don’t think this is going to help with that. Tbh, I’m more scared of the US having our data than China. The US can use it to find people seeking abortions, or to track protestors trying to get human rights, or things like that. Not China. I’d rather they make a general law to preserve privacy, but this half-assed measure to preserve US monopolies.
100% This moment can help galvanize people to the need to fix our Healthcare, but random acts of violence won’t fix it, people organizing together will.