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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I get it - I think at this point Trump could empty an AK47 magazine into an orphanage and his core voters wouldn’t give a fuck.

    I’d imagine there is a good chunk of silent “left-of-Republican” market though - people who have voted red because that’s what they’ve always done, maybe because their household is overwhelmingly Republican but they’re ready to break ranks, or even those who boarded the meme train in 2013 or 14 but are ready to get off.

    I suppose an awkward analogy is being in a group of twenty people trying to get in to a bar with one or two cunts who are beyond mangled - the sensible ones looking at them and thinking “yeah I’ve stuck with them this far, but maybe I can make a change and enjoy the rest of the night with people who are largely sensible”.

  • Outsider view from across the pond:

    It appears from the outset that the Trump camp is tripping over it’s own feet and stepping on landmine after landmine. Literally all Harris seems to have to do is stay on message, bat off anything too controversial, and let the opposition’s trousers fall down by themselves.

    It’ll be interesting either way. The only real surprise to me will be whether I’ll learn about key moments from news outlets or from mad memez first.

  • PhobosAnomaly@feddit.uktohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    27 days ago

    Most likely. I “reassigned” an old work Dell Optiplex to play about with Linux a few years back, and it didn’t like whatever onboard graphics chipset was on the board. I bought an inexpensive GeForce card… not realising that it would end up looking like this bad boi, and that I had to buy a low-profile card.

  • I find it quite handy - it’s a bit excessive on nearly every post, but it does add context when I don’t recognise the news source, and it’s useful to see whether I really need to do some more digging on the article rather than should look for other views on a story.

    It’s frustrating to see a comment or two on a post preview pane you’re interested in though and boom, it’s a bot rather than another user to engage with.

    It would work really well as a plug in or tool, giving you inline information in the post itself.

  • It appears to be the question of using a language’s formal or informal way of addressing the second person.

    Formal forms are generally used for those senior in age, rank, social standing etc - whereas the informal is used for colleagues, friends, family etc.

    The question revolves around whether to use the formal conjugations based on the elder nature of the date, or the informal verb endings based on the more intimate nature of being a date.

    In short, not a joke, but a headspinning social minefield for non-native speakers.

    At least I think that’s the jist of it, always happy for a correction.

  • Purely a subjective opinion (and I apologise if the artist shows up in this thread) but is it me or does it look like the person who made the background took a step back after it was done, marvelled at how pretty it was, and enjoyed the moment before thinking “…fuck I forgot about O’Brien”?

    It’s a great bit of artwork but poor Miles looks like an afterthought!

  • Thanks for taking the time to get back to me, it’s appreciated from across the pond.

    As for point 1, I thought that would be a strength. I don’t think anyone from backwardsville would vote Democrat anyway so his sexuality wouldn’t be an issue, but I’d have thought a different viewpoint would have been appreciated little more amongst the blue electorate.

    As for the second and third points, I guess that’s a valid concern. I’m hoping that the pivot away from ancient politicians taking top roles will make more of an impact and allow those with a shorter track record to shine - very much like the Trudeaus, Attals, or Marins elsewhere in the world.

    Thanks all the same!

  • I’m all for bringing back National Service.

    And by that, I mean that everyone should be required to work two weeks in a customer service environment - in a supermarket, in an inbound call centre, or in a coffee shop.

    The basic level of communication skill and empathy I’ve learned there has set me up reasonably well in life - and it’s remarkable how far you get with another human on the other end of a phone or teller screen by just “playing the game”, “appreciating that there’s tickboxes needing to be checked” and “not being a cunt”.

    I’m not saying the solution is perfect but fuck me, it would solve a lot of entitlement problems.