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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • Yeah because all those people that had zero turnout energy during the primary were actually paid off by the rich. That’s why they didn’t vote in the primary!

    Fuck right off with this DNC conspiracy bullshit. Progressives owe their cause turning out, you don’t get to blame everyone else for not doing the revolution for you while you’re sitting on the couch instead of doing the literal barest minimum to actually materially support what you claim you believe in.

    Fuck your words. Give the cause your actions, or can your empty platitudes about how it’s everyone else’s fault your side refused to vote.

  • If the left were even a fraction as organized as claimed, Bernie would have blown the primary out in 2016 and ridden into the whitehouse with solid majorities in both houses.

    It honestly roils me how impotent the left is, because an active organized left could grab this country by the balls and drag it into a whole new era, but all we have is a million headed hydra with each neck pulling in a different direction because nobody can get over themselves for long enough to fall in line behind a common objective.

  • Probably from social isolation by everyone who did do that.

    Like if the rich asshole kids wanna mark themselves out by skipping out on a national service that’s their prerogative, just the same it’s everyone else’s to make judgements about them based on that.

    That “some of y’all never worked a service job and it shows” tweet hits a lot harder when there’s a federal budget for the messaging about the good of lending a working hand to your fellow countryfolks.

  • Required I think doesn’t cut mustard, like I said, it should be required only when all other possibilities to address a labor shortage crisis have been exhausted.

    Required service is something you do when you’re in a weakened or threatened position with what you’re invoking it for, so doing it unnecessarily just doesn’t help quite as much as one might think.

    There’s better ways to address a perceived national attitude problem than forced labor.

  • I mean a national labor corps with incentivized participation isn’t the worst idea. Gives people the opportunity to get work experience without necessarily having to understand their career direction in life.

    Shouldn’t be a draft in any circumstances but absolute crisis situation, like essential infrastructure is on the brink of total collapse and regular pay incentives aren’t getting bodies on it fast enough.

    Who knows, might get some people into work they didn’t realize they’d gel with, plenty of inspector positions are behind work load and I’ve got s feeling a part of that is just people not knowing the work is out there.

  • St. Peter’s account of being labelled head of the faith is mostly just Catholic doctrine. Whichever of the apostles ended up in Constantinople, then Byzantion, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Alexandria could theoretically have claimed similar visions and been taken just as seriously because before power was consolidated Christianity was “run” by a Pentarchy of Patriarchs, one in each of the five holy cities of the faith, and each of whom technically equalled the pope in rome in rank, just in the sense that pope’s descend from St. Peter while other patriarchs descended from different apostles or early converts.

    Had Christianity spread in India you’d probably hear about a Christian Hexarchy with one of the patriarchates based in Chennai.

  • That’s the gospel of Judas, and it’s considered part of Gnostic doctrine, which is basically the one thing all Christians agree on, in that they all agree it is absolute heresy.

    Like basically considered pagan in terms of how “Christian” it’s seen as.

    I actually have an idea for an althist based on if the core gospels were instead replaced with the Gospels of Thomas, Mary, Phillip, and Judas, leading to Christianity developing as a wildly more mystical sort of religion, and possibly even less tolerant of old faiths since Gnostic doctrines, of which all four of those gospels are apparently heavily steeped in, believes everything material and old testament related is literally made by satan, would need to actually research that one lol.