• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think you could just ask something like “what are some of your favourite world cuisines excluding the obvious ones?” and then explain what you mean.

    Apologies though, I guess this is just because it’s not your first language, what you said makes sense it’s more the connotations of the phrase. I think someone also posted a gif making a similar joke. Probably the best straight up alternative without the connotations would be “world food/cuisine.”

    North Korean! Would love to try it but I guess similar to South Korean food?

  • I don’t want to go through all but some of the more interesting ones:

    Ethiopian - delicious stew/curry type food with this fermented flatbread stuff that almost smells a bit like beer. Way better than this makes it sound, lol

    Vietnamese - if you like Chinese food you will love it. It’s somewhere between Thai and Chinese. They have an awesome beef noodle soup called pho

    Jamaican - my family is partially from here so bias but jerk chicken is worth a mention alone. Very well spiced and usually super juicy chicken. Meat and rice type of stuff. But ackee and saltfish is interesting too, very salted cod mixed with this subtle flavoured fruit that looks a bit like eggs? Again better than it sounds.

    Moroccan - If you’re interested in Egyptian food (I also have no idea what that would be, lol) Morrocan is probably a good recommendation. They have a dish called tajine which is a well spiced chicken stew, they cook it in a special pot I think

    Mexican! - I know it’s obvious but in Europe Mexican restaurants are very basic. Tacos, burritos etc. But there are so many amazing dishes like mole (chocolate and chilli sauce, fucking delicious) that always get missed. There’s one called queso relleño (?) That is basically like a very rich Bolognese wrapped in cheese and FRIED. Probably best not to eat too often. But maybe you guys in the US get more authentic Mexican food anyway

    Also, saying “ethnic foods” comes across a little odd. Makes you sound like a 50 year old white guy who’s never left his home town and isn’t so sure about all this weird food these strange brown people eat. Nothing wrong with being white or culturally insulated of course, but probably not the look you were going for. Might explain the downvotes.

  • No guys they’re like, a SUPER important partner in the middle East. They’re just defending themselves bro. That Palestinian kid was going to become Hamas one day. Yeah but dude it’s the only democracy in the middle east! We have to support them, right?! Maybe they do some war crimes, but you have to think about how many war crimes we’re preventing in the process. Just one more assassination bro I swear this will be the last one… btw, got any money? I know I said I wouldn’t ask but there’s this hospital right…Hamas all over it. Hizbollahs too. They dress like doctors but that’s just how they trick you

  • Next time I will say this.

    DISCLAIMER: America has a two party system. In the current political climate, both parties are supportive of Israel and voting therefore offers no way to solve this issue. Trump is also worse than Harris on this issue. Not voting only helps the republicans, and if you don’t agree with their platform, the only rational electoral choice is to vote blue. While you may disagree with some policies, one has to make a pragmatic decision on election day. Voting is a chess move not a love letter. The death will continue regardless, we have no power to stop it.

    Boy I sure wish American weapons weren’t being used to do a genocide. It would be nice if Harris didn’t want to keep doing that.

  • We can be loud about it - and we absolutely should

    That… that’s what we’re doing?

    but don’t make the mistake of thinking this is an issue we can solve with votes during this election cycle

    Pretty sure most people understand that. Hence this whole story and the discussion. We have unfortunately learned that Harris is fine with supplying weapons that Israel will undoubtedly use to kill children, and obviously Trump would do the same with even fewer moral qualms.

    I don’t like it any more than you do, but this isn’t a problem that’s about to be solved by denigrating Harris about it.

    Then how do you propose people express their dissatisfaction with this particular policy? I think denigrating someone for a decision I don’t agree with is perfectly legitimate. Isn’t that what freedom of speech is for?

    I’m also not saying you should be quiet about it.

    You may not be but it seems other people are. The person I was responding to implied that it should be coupled with an election disclaimer. I’ve had plenty of arguments where people basically say this is “pro Trump” or Russian messaging. There is an incredibly strong implication that we should be quiet about it and fall in line.

    But an understanding of, and a communication of, the nuance involved on our (American) end of the situation might help folks not knee jerk lash out at you.

    Sorry but the word “nuance” here kills me. It is not complicated, and it is not nuanced. You have effectively no choice but to vote for one of two parties. One of those parties is headed by a fascist with sights on destroying American democracy. If you don’t like that you have to vote for the other party. If you don’t vote it mainly helps the worse guys. That is a lot of things but it is NOT NUANCE. It is a stupid, broken system.

    It’s a non-issue electorally because neither side will make a major change to the current situation

    It’s a non issue electorally (except not exactly given the large “uncommitted” vote and the risk that people will stay home and not vote) but it is a big fucking issue actually. In real life. Where we live. Shouldn’t we at least try to encourage a change of policy?

    I’m sorry, I understand that you are trying to explain why people don’t like this criticism and that you agree with me broadly. It also seems you don’t think it’s bad to talk about this. But then I don’t really see what your point is? I understand how American elections work.