You perverted fuck
You perverted fuck
We need a revolution to separate corporation and state.
It’s the hatred that brings us together!
Interesting. If they weren’t patent trolls before, they certainly are now!
I wonder if this is all that’s stopping this technique though? IANAL, but it sure seems like a slicer could release this and if stratasys tried to sue them, they might have a hard time given all these patent errors.
Still profitable you say? Sounds like a slap on the wrist is due here and we let the exploitation continue!
I feel like oversalting is a popular attempted cover up for mediocrity. I’m tired of waking up the next morning after a dinner out feeling like the mummy from Brendan Fraser’s “the mummy”
Might be a lot smaller than a lever, but if you are a republican don’t stand there empty handed. Grab your dick and start jerking that puppy. This is what you always wanted you dumb sick fuck.
I’ve heard that despite the vast majority of objective measures of societoeconomic factors improving under his leadership, many with direct links to policies he put in place, that he’s actually the very worst president in the 400 year span of American democracy.
I had a little trouble getting my morning poop out today. I decided to blame Joe Biden. It was either that or the pound and a half of cheese I had yesterday.
They need to come to terms!!
I’ve been coming to terms and I never see them there!
Ya filthy animal!
There is a difference to adding some more wood to a fire and placing jet fuel onto a fire.
“As long as the news makes me angry about the things I like being angry about, I dun’t really cares that it’s fake”
Sometimes a great idea just comes to you out of nowhere at all!
Watch out. Luxotica going to place a hit on you.
Thanks. These are great points. Agree with you completely about cleaning stainless. I was hesitant to introduce stainless into my brewing at all because of this. We’ve probably all smelled thermoses with a seemingly permanent coffee aroma. I did give in last year and have been brewing with my orea big boy directly into a stainless thermos. I’m really paranoid about keeping it clean whereas I just kind of use visual cues with the chemex. For now at least I use unbleached chemex filters which require heavy hot rinsing so I’m always thoroughly preheating. I think I’ll hold on to my chemex for now unless partner complains too much about cold coffee or it breaks, in which case the Miir seems like a worthy replacement.
Yes please explain to me why I won’t want to use Microsoft mail.