Fake: anon goes outside
Gay: anon has a GuyFriend
Fake: anon goes outside
Gay: anon has a GuyFriend
I love manual driving! Sure it didn’t go super smooth when I first started, but after 2 years, I don’t even realize I’m shifting automatically. But it might be me that I want to have control over my car, rather than it driving for me.
Had a HTC One M8 back in the day. Had a lot of fun confusing the shit out of the teachers after turning off the audio system and projector lmao
Try Ameliorated!
Oh thanks! Hearing aids are too expensive these days
Exactly what went through my mind lol
I usually never reply them until 2 days after with a simple heart reaction
That is hilarious. I’ve never spotted that before lol
I don’t at all understand churches advertising… Maybe because of my European ass? To my knowledge churches are not about profit? I get that you want to announce your service times and such, but put that in a small column in a newspaper for the ones interested or something lol
I don’t mind them. They’re not ugly, nor pretty, but damn useful.
Thanks for the clear explenation! Further comments say it’s a pretty neutral identification, but to me it sounds like there’s two sides of it and one is bad. I presume this feeling is incorrect?
Pardon my ignorance, but what does cis mean?
There’s probably higher quality pictures out there, but I figured this would work