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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • He’s not talking about the communist manifesto, he’s talking about Das Kapital. If you don’t care to read it there are YouTube summaries such as this one . If you want to get straight into the meat of the subject you can start from chapter 4 and if you think it’s all stupid take the 5-6 minutes to listen to chapter 7 so you’d at least know where socialists are coming from when they say capitalists are stealing your money.

  • Because putting them together in most physical sports would push women out of the highest echelons of that sport. Just look up what female MMA fighters and female tennis players have to say. They literally can’t keep up with men. Serena Williams and her sister boasted that they’d beat any man outside the top 200, Braasch (then #203) took the challenge and on the day of the challenge played a round of golf drank 2 low ABV beers before easily beating both sisters

    Probably the most detrimental thing you can do for women in sports is to get rid of the women’s league. Most “men’s” categories are already open for women, so you should ask women why they don’t want to partake. The answer is what female athletes already say, they’d get absolutely dumpstered before they even get close to the top. Of course the less physically demanding the closer men and women will be, but for most sports the physical differences make women’s leagues necessary.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldPower budgeting for new PC build
    16 days ago

    What? The leds that go in the bulb sockets take 3W so the RGB ones going into the case probably take like 1.5 to 2W. RGB led strips seem to take 8W per meter. We’re talking about 5m of led strips and 25 individual lights and still not hitting 100W.

    I don’t put RGB in my cases so I don’t know what the trend is. If it’s to turn your PC into a Christmas tree then I can understand 100W not being enough.

  • At no point did I say Ukraine shouldn’t get what it needs to end the war. What I said is that we shouldn’t let Ukraine get away with the same things Russia is doing. If for example Ukraine would gas the Russian front line we shouldn’t be “well Russia did it first”. Chemical warfare is not acceptable. Turning a blind eye towards atrocities is how we got Isreal.

    The other guy is pretty much saying it would be okay if Ukraine dirty bombed Moscow because he is literally implying we should kill all Russians.

  • I would rather say we should make it illegal to do things that cause an inordinate amount of suffering to animals. I would prefer not to kill the dog either, but since most people in this thread seem to believe a vegan diet with supplements is impossible for carnivore pets, what other option is there?

    I don’t think it’s impossible but I do think it leads to the suffering of pets because most animal owners aren’t capable of taking care of their pets right now and they’ll be even less capable when they need to follow a relatively strict diet for their pet.

    However If I had someone who would pay someone else to torture 1 animal a day, and then eat it, meaning ~30,000 animals would be tortured throughout their life, and I have no way to make them stop besides killing them, what is your proposed solution? I want to hear the non utilitarian answer to this problem, in this hypothetical where killing them is the only way to stop the behavior.

    About that specific person? You do nothing. You can’t force people (or animals) to live a different life. What you want to do is get a societal shift. Educate people so they’d willingly switch and over time (if it’s reasonable and I do think going more vegan is reasonable) society will shift away from eating animals and those people will disappear with time.

    You’ve baked in that the only options are “kill people who eat meat” or “do nothing.” In a situation where all humans were strict carnivores, that’s a much harder question.

    If would argue if humans were strictly carnivorous the question would be much easier, because then eating meat is our nature and we would die if we went vegan. The reason we (and dogs) can go vegan is because from a dietary perspective we’re both omnivores. For example with cats there’s no question, they’re biologically not adapted to plant based diet. Their entire diet would essentially be supplements and they get next to nothing from eating plants.

    Obviously I would hope to have legal or social consequences for people who eat meat.

    The most “moral” thing to do would be for vegans to make it impossible for factory farming to exist,

    I guess if you don’t value animals at all, you would never kill the person.

    And these are the examples why I have a problem with Veganism and why I think Vegans like you are a detriment towards people going more plant based with their diet. Because you’re all about moral superiority, absolutes, guilting others for their lifestyles and assuming the worst. You won’t change peoples mind if you call them a piece of shit. You also won’t change their minds by not compromising on anything. And this “all change must happen instantly because we demand it” message is just childish behavior.

    If you’re serious about getting people to eat less or no meat you can’t expect instant results. You need to let people change their minds instead of trying to force them to change (and that includes trying to guilt them into changing). Also you can’t change everyones mind but you need to change enough to for society to change over time. It’s a process and it needs to be treated like a process. Don’t force people, educate when you can and hope people change. After-all (hopefully) nobody forced you into becoming a vegan.

  • Ah the utilitarian approach. You’re just one species away from saying it’s okay to kill people because most people eat meat. Afterall the math problem is exactly the same for people, except people eat even more meat so from a math point of view it’s even more logical to kill a person than a dog. I’ll walk you through this conundrum.

    You can choose to say it is okay to kill people who eat meat and good luck talking about the ethics of killing people.

    You can choose to say it’s not okay to kill people, but now you’re not treating life equally because now a human life is worth more than the dogs life. So what’s stopping me from saying that the the dog is worth more than the 4 animals who get killed?

    And if you want me to prove the dog is worth more than the animals I’ll just ask you to prove that a human is worth more than the dog. If you can’t prove that you’re back to saying it’s okay to kill people.

    You can’t solve this problem through utilitarianism and then talk about ethics because utilitarian solutions often end up being unethical.

  • Go learn history. This “we must show them” mentality is how after WW1 Nazis got into a position of power. And no, we didn’t kill all of them. Some were sent to the Hague, most were picked up by the US (unsurprisingly US now has a fascism problem) and the rest (the wider population) got collectively guilted out of nazism. Oh and we made sure Nazi and Fascist are so bad words that actual Nazis and Fascists use them in a derogatory way to not associate themselves with that word.

    The idea that we should ruthlessly kill Russians because Putin is a horrible person is Lemmygrad level of idiotic.

  • You missed the point. The point the other guy made is that for the past 50+ countries have turned a blind eye to Isreal not playing by the rules and that has let Israel become more and more ruthless to a point where they’re the ones effectively committing genocide. Maybe Ukraine won’t turn out like Israel but is it really the door we want to open?

    Just because Russia is getting increasing more violent and inhumane doesn’t mean Ukraine should follow the same path. Nobody is saying Ukraine shouldn’t defend itself (or fight on Russian soil), we’re just saying we shouldn’t turn a blind eye if Ukraine starts shelling humanitarian corridors, chopping off legs of prisoners, gas striking the front etc.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon plays Metro 2033
    23 days ago

    Maybe you’re mixing up the Russian voice actors with the English voice actors. Some of the English voice actors originated from the USSR but most of them were American and they did some weird Russian accent thing. I guess that would be the criticism, but if someone complains about unrealistic Russian accents and you can replace them with actual Russian voice lines just use the Russian voice lines, they’re pretty good.

    With one exception of course. In Metro Exodus the character Sam is American and the Russian VA is supposed to do an American accent speaking Russian. That is the most jarring shit ever because it sounds exactly like it is, a Russian trying to do an American trying to speak Russian. They should’ve just gotten an American VA to read Russian and it would’ve sounded better.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldInflation?
    24 days ago

    To toot the anticapitalist horn, antitrust and regulations and anything such is fundamentally in opposition to our economic system. We’re constantly fighting the system, just to get a liveable life. We fought just to get 8 hours a week and some economists in the 19th century and early 20th century imagined we right now would be having 15 hour work weeks. Guess why we don’t do 15 hours a week. Because the economic system, capitalism, benefits more the more we work. Capitalism would love to take us back to 12 hour days 6 days a week. Actually capitalism would want us working every single waking hour and also in our sleep if we could be productive in our sleep.

    This is why I’m a socialist, because I don’t see why we maintain a system we need to keep fighting with when we could work on replacing it with a better system that et don’t need to fight with.