What do you mean? You think it should be lower or higher because of the killings?
What do you mean? You think it should be lower or higher because of the killings?
You’re right, I was wrong by 20%. His support is around 50% and he’s pushing it to 70%. Does this mean he’s not supported by general public? 40-50% is as much as any government gets really.
WTF? Whataboutism would be if you said “Russians killed Ukrainian children” and I replied with “But what about Russian children!”. I said “yes, children are innocent, ESPECIALLY Ukrainian children”. I’m playing especialism you dufus.
I think you don’t know what playing with the wording means.
Because he needs to pretend support for him is absolute while in reality only vast majority supports him. Because he cannot allow any opposition to grow in Russia in case he makes a mistake, like he did with Ukraine. Because if there’s any sign of weakness even his allies will turn against him in a heartbeat.
He’s tampering with elections to move it from 70-80% to 100%, not to move it from 10% to 100%. It’s lower since the war didn’t go as planned but most Russians supported Putin and his war.
I get what you’re doing, trying to play around the wording.
No, I’m agreeing with you while taking the opportunity to remind everyone what absolute scum Russians are.
no one is apologizing for what the Russian military is doing.
Exactly. Someone should apologize.
And I also see what you’re doing, putting all the blame on the military like Putin was not generally loved in Russia before the war. Russian are pissed only because now they also have to die. If Putin only murdered Ukrainians they would still happily support him and his war.
You’re right, especially the Ukrainian children kidnapped and held in Russia.
So fire them into Russia. Problem solved.
We’re almost there…
People keep writing like Argentinians really believed Milei is going to fix the country. Most people were simply desperate and voted for him protest. If you still think they are stupid for protesting like this that’s fine. Let’s just be clear about what they did.
redistribution of stolen wealth
How are they going to get the stolen wealth back from US and Europe?
Oh no! Please, don’t deprive me of your wisdoms! Tell me more about The Electoral College!
No, you don’t understand that Biden is president and Hilary wasn’t. Everything else is just some meaningless BS.
And Biden got 7 million more votes. That’s his achievement. He not only ‘would have won if not for the rigged system’ but actually won. You see the difference?
Well, she didn’t win enough.
translation: his greatest achievement has been not being Trump
No, the achievement was actually winning the election. Unlike Hilary for example.
This story was also told in a movie. I don’t remember which one.
Brexit was the perfect example of how this works: one direct policy change, clear predictions from experts what will happen, clear statements from EU, clear success/failure criteria (better trade deals, stronger economy). 7 years later if couldn’t be clearer how complete failure it was but the party that did it is still going strong. Their excuse? The idea was right but the execution was flawed. Also it’s still better then what the other party would have done.
It will be the same in Argentina. Whatever will happen they will simply claim they did the right thing, it’s their opponents sabotaging their work that responsible for the failure, it would be even worse had they not done it, they are the only ones that can fix it. People expecting that everyone will just agree that what they did was stupid are delusional. It never happens.
Fun fact: in most countries in the world breaking and entering is not a life or death situation for the cops. Cop shows in Europe are really boring. Cops show up, ask questions, figure out what happen and arrest someone (or not). How insane is that?
But some people will be a bit turned off by murder so it probably evens out.