Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.

Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.

Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024

  • It’s such a shitty landscape right now.

    Is a given person uttering valid critique of Israel or is it veiled antisemitism? Is their opponent calling out real antisemitism or is it a dishonest defense of Israel with the antisemitism-cudgel? Is real valid critique being answerd by honest but wrongly-addressed call outs of antisemitism? Is real antisemitism accepted as a valid critique?

    The example of this thread is definetly a dishonest defense of Israel, they could not have made it clearer that they will oppose valid criticism of Israel with the antisemitism-cudgel.

    And I hate that, because equating Israel and jewish people is playing right into the hands of antisemites and into the hands of a murderous isreaeli government.

  • Love to see those carbon steel pans, but eggboy has overloaded them with oil.

    Those pans are naturally non-stick and you only need a bit of oil in them for a good fry and to keep the non-stickyness. That much oil can make them tacky and will make the eggs crunchy and dry insted of giving them that tasty pan-fried surface finish.

  • The reasons just don’t necessarily come with any moral take away attached.

    Children get bone cancer for purely physical reasons, yes, but there is no plan behind it, nothing that makes the situation better in any way and this is how the phrase is usually being used. It’s people saying: “Don’t be sad, something good will come of it.” to the faces of grieving parents or deathly ill people who have nothing to look forward to but pain.

    Religious/spiritual proselytising has completely alienated the phrase from the methodological naturalism it could express.

  • The basic law of Cologne:

    §1: Et es wie et es. („It is how it is.“) Look the facts in the eye, you can’t change them.

    $2: Et kütt wie et kütt. („It’ll come as it comes.“) Accept the inevitable, you can’t change fate.

    §3: Et hätt noch emmer joot jejange. („Everything turned out fine in the past.“) What turned out okay yesterday, will still work tomorrow. Situationally: We know it’s shit, but it’s the best we can do with what we have.

    §4: Wat fott es, es fott. („What’s gone is gone.“) Don’t cling to the past.

    §5: Et bliev nix wie et wor. („Nothing ever stays the same.“) Be open to new developments.

  • “Boys will be boys” Oh yes, what deep insight, nicely expresses the lack of parenting that let little Billy here become a FUCKING BULLY that regularly kicks, punches and intimidates other children. Even worse when adults agree that “shitty and violent” is just how boys are, you know boys will be boys.

    Well done being a role model guys, not only does that excuse the bully, it openly communicates to the victim that 1) he’s allowed to be like that, 2) they should be bullies too and 3) nobody has any intention of actually helping them and changing the situation.

    And then you make them shake hands afterwards and both have to apologize, the bully and his victim.

    GRRRRRRRRR makes me so angry! Complete abdication of your responsibility to actually parent your little monster.

  • Had this discussion with a friend today, because the Confederation of German Trade Unions (the umbrella-organization of all German Unions), which he works for, and lots of other workers-rights and left-wing organization, along with the Alliance for Peace are having an anti-war-day on September 1st in my region with concerts and demonstrations and stuff.

    And some groups (but not all) from that alliance are having a public demonstration for a ceasefire in Gaza (which is good) and in Ukraine (which is bad) where they will criticize the German military help for Ukraine and demand peace with Russia by making Ukraine cede territory to Putin.