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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • First of all its ghoulishly disingenuous for you to conflate providing arms. Which is wrong I’m not justifying that. To actually killing people. That’s straight up empty virtue signaling and not solving or convincing anyone of anything.

    I asked who stands a chance. And you quoted it without even answering it. Useless. Right now the only viable option other than R or D in the presidential campaign is a widespread general uprising. Which I’m all for. If you got one let’s go kiddo. But I got news for you. If you don’t. What you’re doing is empty virtue signaling that only helps the worst people around. And makes enemies of possible allies. Which is how I know your words are empty.

  • No. She literally can’t. You can either be Pure or you can have power. But not both. They hate what AOC has become with a passion. Because she is not pure anymore. Just actually making a difference. For them it is strictly about virtue signaling. And not accomplishing anything. Because doing things is hard. Just saying the things that people want to hear. That shit is as easy as it gets.

  • Yes but the only problem with that is the reason we have regulation was the free market. It’s like the economic liberals that call themselves libertarians. Claiming that all our economic problems are because of regulations. And don’t get me wrong there absolutely are regulations that are bad that need to be changed. But the horrors of even the worst regulation. Are nothing compared to the horrors of unregulated unfettered capitalism.

    Unfortunately though for too many Americans are completely brainwashed to the point where. You could make a series of unintelligible grunts, shout MERICA! Free market! Yeeeeeehaaaaw! And have just made a convincing policy platform.

  • First go check VB’s post history. Some of the criticism is well deserved.

    Second, depending on the framing and audience, Democrats absolutely are the left. If you are in heavily socialist places that claim will rightfully get you laughed at. Since we defined it as capitalist vs not. And any type of liberal is staunchly unwaveringly capitalist to a fault. But outside that you’re just talking past people to score points.

    Are Democrats progressive? Absolutely. Like a snail is speedy. But snails still get around. It isn’t satisfactory to myself or a lot of others. But it’s nothing to disregard. They’ll eventually get to the right answer after they’ve tried every other option. But they CAN get there unlike Republicans. And we CAN speed it up with cooperation and solidarity where it makes sense.

    No Democrats aren’t moving right. If you define right as capitalist there’s nothing right of economic-liberalism/liberals or neoliberals/neoconservatives. Are they wavering somewhat rudderless on social issues trying to check what direction political winds might be blowing to find support? Absolutely. But they still, after far too long, did eventually bring about equal marriage rights for gay couples. And while it’s far from perfect they do provide understanding and support in general to trans groups. They absolutely need to do more and to do better. But they can be worked with and reasoned with. Perhaps just not trusted.